Monday, September 30, 2019
Advantages of mass media Essay
Mass media refers collectively to all the media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication. There are various forms of mass media such as radio, television, movies, magazines, newspapers and the World Wide Web. Mass Media enjoys a very prominent role in our lives and thus, it is believed to influence our society. There are positive and negative effects of mass media on our society. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mass media and state if the advantage or disadvantage outweighs the other. The first advantage of mass media is that it promotes democracy. Talk shows and debates that are conducted on the radio gives people chance to voice out their opinions and express their views of ideas about a particular issue. This use of radios makes it a â€Å"free market place of ideas†where people get informed of the multiple ideas that can be learned about a topic. Also this advantage of mass media allows arguments to be otherwise of the discussed perspective of an issue to voice out the contrasting feelings of people without the fear of being pointed to by the authorities if opinions are subjective. Moreover, free press keeps the government under constant monitoring and checks. It helps the general public to question issues that highlight policy failures, maladministration, scandals and corruptions and this makes mass media the voice of the disadvantaged. A long tradition of liberal theorists claimed that a free and independent press within a nation can play a vital rol e in the process of democratization by contributing towards the right of expression, thought and conscience, strengthening the responsiveness of government to all citizens and providing a pluralist platform of political expression for a multiplicity of groups. Thus, radio being an example shows the positive relationship between mass media and democracy. Read more: Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media Furthermore, mass media promotes health education. A way in which societies can grow is through good health and studies assert that media has a responsibility to help people live a healthy life. In Uganda, for instance, FM radios conducted programs where medical doctors were invited to a program to talk about general or specific diseases, their causes, symptoms and how to avoid these diseases or where to seek treatment. Namely, Radio-Wa conducted a program, Meet The Doctor, on which a doctor from Lira Hospital appeared every Sunday from 5.00 pm and discussed popular medical issues, such as, current health problems of reproductive health diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, for about an hour. Through another research, it was found that radio listeners took active part in these kinds of programs and they were able to learn about many diseases that they were suffering from unknowingly. Majority of the listeners were able to cure their diseases. Thus, mass media assists people to keep informed about medical and health issues. In addition, mass media plays a very vital role in accounting for agricultural trade. Radio, one of the fastest forms of mass communication, has been used in communicating farm information to farmers for a long time and since then radio has been used as a mass communication for agricultural development. Rural communities need information on supply of input, early warning systems for drought and diseases, new technologies and market price and information about their competitors. Such information through mass media contributes to the expansion of agriculture. After looking at factor such as the continuing expansion of market oriented agriculture and the increasing complexity of input requirements, studies suggested that there is a need for a continues education of farmers and extensions and thus concluded that radios and television would be a good way to disseminate information to them. Another research showed that 58 % of the respondents regarded radio as the most effective channel fo r dissemination of agricultural information. Thus information about trade from mass media would likely result in benefiting the whole economy along side with the entrepreneurs of such trading businesses. On the other hand, mass media broadcasts negative information to teen agers, especially females, about sex related topics. Movies and televisions are two examples of sources from where teens absorb information about sex and sexuality. These sources give unrealistic images of the portrayed topics. A study shows that an average teen ager is exposed to approximately 14000 references of sex of which less than a percent of the references imply information about abstinence, birth control, pregnancy risks, and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, mass media uses females as sex objects. In most music videos, females are approximately half the time dressed in clothes that expose their breast and rear ends. The sexual attractiveness of music videos and similar imaged mass media encourages teens as well as adults to expose themselves in public, inviting them to become victims of unethical crimes, such as, rape. Moreover, mass media depicts non realistic body images. This disadvantage of mass media depiction leads majority of the viewers toward unhealthy eating habits. Young people are getting encouraged by skinny models on the TV to lose weight and get their body into a sexy image. Researchers are claiming that males are becoming more insecure about their physical appearance as advertisements are painting images of idealistic well built muscular body. A study found that girls as young as eight years old are weight conscious and are on strict diets. Many other females smoke to keep their weight off and through research, it is found out that there is approximately 400% increase in eating disorder since 1970.Like females, boys also tend to smoking to lose weight. A survey by Teens Magazine reported that 27% of the females felt that media pressured them to have a perfect body and 69% of girls state that magazine models influence their thought of being slim and slender. Media’s role in po rtraying unrealistic images of body figures can lead to serious health problems and deadly diseases as attendants to media are evidently being influenced by the false images. In addition, mass media promotes gender and racial unfairness in a society. Women, through media, are treated in disrespectful manners and are referred by the use of unethical words, such as, â€Å"a whore†or â€Å"a slut†. These kinds of words can be heard over the radio and seen in movies and televisions, for instance, the use of the word â€Å"bitch†in reference to women can be seen in wrestling programs exposed young children to witness it without supervision. Advertisements also promote gender biasness as they mostly include women in a sexual way to sell product. A study on advertisements showed that males are only seen in 25% of the advertisements on scantily wears, for example, underwear advertisements. The same study quoted that roughly 62% of white women were noticed in the same kind of advisements and the figure for black women was 53% only. Also, black women were mostly shown in animal prints and in predatory poses to highlight their powerlessness . Thus, mass media is openly bias towards the sexes and races of different kinds of people. Besides its other disadvantages, mass media is known to lead young children to aggressive violence. Media violence is harmful to kids because of their inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy. A study showed that by the age of 18, an average teen ager has viewed approximately 200000 acts of violence on television, ignoring other sources of mass media. These violent clips increase aggressiveness and anti social behavior in children and it also increases their thirst for violence in the real life. Hence children are traumatized by the violent images and as a result they end up committing violent acts themselves. In conclusion, it is clearly argued that mass media has both advantages and disadvantages. The issues that are discussed in this essay evidently suggest that the disadvantage of mass media outweighs the advantages yet some of the disadvantages of mass media can be avoided.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Unity, Faith and Discipline
Unity, Faith and Discipline Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan gave us three golden principles. They are Unity, Faith and Discipline. In his life he followed these principles and got Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam once said, â€Å"The success of our achievement will depend upon our Unity, Faith and Discipline. †In this short sentence Quaid-e-Azam has given us the guide line to make Pakistan a success. If we follow these principles in our individual, social and political life, we can make Pakistan very powerful.Unfortunately, we have not paid much attention to these guiding principles. Unity is the first principle given by Quaid-e-Azam. It means co-operation with one another. Unity gives nation strength to face its enemies. Pakistan appeared on the map of the world on August 14, 1947. This miracle was achieved through the unity of the Muslims. In Islam all the Muslims are brethren to each other. In many of Quaid-e-Azam's speeches, he has stressed on unity and ad vised to be united in our work for the country. Discipline is the second principle. It means following certain principles.Discipline also means mental or moral training. By this principle Quaid-e-Azam means training to obedience and order. Through this principle Quaid-e-Azam united the Muslims of India into a disciplined organization. With the help of discipline he created unity among them. No civilized society can exist and progress without discipline. Islam also lays stress on discipline. Five times prayers, one month's fasting and annual pilgrimage to Makah are various forms of discipline. Without discipline, our energies are scattered and we can make no progress.Faith is third principle of progress. This is the centre principle or ideology. It can create unity and discipline in people. In Islam, faith in Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the basis of the Muslim community. It also means in us. If we want to develop our country, we should be sure for what we are working. Nothin g can be achieved without faith. Even now if we have faith in our religion, we can work wonders in a short time to make Pakistan strong in all walks of life. Written By: Misha Imran IX’CC J
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Complete Computer Network Infrastructure for a Real or Ficticious Research Paper
Complete Computer Network Infrastructure for a Real or Ficticious Business - Research Paper Example After defining the specification, we will address network devices along with switch and router deployment. Moreover, we will define all the associated servers that will play a vital role in synchronizing data with remote offices in this scenario. Furthermore, a proposed network diagram will be represented for each site i.e. site 1 and site 2. Sub netting will play a dominant role in breaking down global IP addresses into local IP addresses for each node on the network. For the WAN architecture, we will discuss the technologies, protocols and services that will be used for connecting these sites together. Moreover, for maintaining and monitoring the network, we will discuss network security features that will be implemented in this proposed network. The RADIUS access server will provide synchronization of data between both sites operating on a Virtual Private Network. In addition, Domain name Service will also be discussed. 2 Introduction Organizations associated with health care need s to acquire up to date technological trends in delivering patient care at the optimal level. Medical information systems developed for supporting health care, facilitate organizations to align with best practices and quality and to make these health organizations successful in the market. However, acquiring and maintaining computer networks can be a difficult task along with its alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization. Moreover, along with the alignment with organizational objectives, involvement of all stakeholders in the implementation of a network is vital for understanding the purpose and benefits. Likewise, customization of network design is a requirement for supporting organizational goals and objectives, which can be a complex task. 3 Network Architecture 3.1 Topology We will apply star topology, as the network design will follow a centralized server / client architecture. Star topology will provide centralized administration and configuration of all the nodes on the network. Moreover, star topology initiates low broadcasts on the network, consequently, consuming low bandwidth and at the same time making the network capacity on optimal levels. 3.2 Workstations The minimum hardware specifications of the workstations that will be installed in the current scenario are: System Specification Processor Intel Dual Core E5400 2.7GHZ (2MB cache – 800MHZ FSB) Motherboard Intel DG41RQ (LGA775-SND+AGP+GIGA LAN-800MHZ FSB) Memory 1GB DDRII (800 Bus) Hard drive 320GB 3.5" SATA-II 7200RPM Optical drive DVD Drive 16 X Chassis Thermal HT Support 3.3 Network devices Network devices are the objects for any network. The network functionality relies on the network devices .The dependability of the network devices emphasizes on the requirements of the organization. For example, an organization dealing with 3D animation and rich media may require a Gigabit Ethernet rather than Fast Ethernet. This is because the subordinates share the animated data among themselves for various purposes. The 3D animation contents are large in volume and require gigabit Ethernet for moving files at a high speed within the network. Hospitals may share high quality medical images with remote offices, resulting in a consideration of bandwidth requirement of the Internet or site to site VPN as well. 3.4 Switch Implementation Fast Ethernet switches will be implemented instead of hubs. Switches are more powerful and intuitive as compared to hubs.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Annotated Bibliogrphy Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bibliogrphy - Annotated Bibliography Example The article claims that the Department of Homeland Security was formed thirty days after the attack through the coming together of many agencies in order to combat terrorism. The article asserts that â€Å"Homeland Security†is a key area of concern for governments worldwide, which is obliged to provide protection to the citizens as well as the infrastructures that support them. The article also claims that role of information technology is very important in homeland security. In relation to this, the article claims that information technology can help mitigate risk as well as enhance effective response to natural or manmade disasters. On contrast, the article also claims that use of technology like surveillance, profiling in addition to data aggression hamper privacy and civil rights. The article also claims that information technology constitute of an infrastructure that need to be
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Advertisments to Compare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advertisments to Compare - Essay Example ADMITTEDLY, WE’RE BAD AT SUMMATION. This is further complimented by another phrase at the lower part of the ad that reads "There arent enough adjectives to describe the straight from the orange taste of Tropicana Pure Premium†. The simplified advert is further graced by an image of the drink’s packaging box positioned at the bottom right corner. The box has a replica image of an orange and straw similar to one described in the main advertisement (Belch & Belch, 2011). This advertisement is comprised of three key parts. On the top part of the ad is an image of Paula Creamer, a golf professional athlete who was at the time the sport’s holding champion. In her hands, the athlete is seen holding what looks like a golf club. Right below her image on the right side, a few words are inscribed: "UNSTOPPABLE. PAULA CREAMER IS. So is her Citizen Eco-Drive. Fueled by light, it never needs a battery. Its UNSTOPPABLE. Just like the people who wear it." On the left side just below Paula’s image, a large image of a white ceramic Citizen Eco-Drive watch is imprinted. On its right side, are the wordings â€Å"ECO-DRIVE Watch with 32 Diamonds.†On the bottom right part of the advertisement is the Citizen ECO-DRIVE trademark image (logo) accompanied by the company’s website link ( (Belch & Belch, 2011). In order to enhance the probability of succeeding in any marketing or advertisement campaign, it is important to begin by aligning the advertisements with what grabs the attention of the product’s target customers (Pride & Ferrell, 2010). By this, the marketers try to maximize on adding attractive features to the products’ advertisements which the target customers can relate to and perhaps get attracted to purchase the product. For the two advertisements described earlier in the paper, there are various features outlined in each, which help to establish the likely target
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ernest Hemingway on Sex and Relationships Essay
Ernest Hemingway on Sex and Relationships - Essay Example Jake Barnes is an American veteran of WWI who works as a journalist in Paris. Though it seems that he is the most stable among his friends, he struggles through the pain of loving Lady Brett and the fact that the war has rendered him not only impotent but also changed. On the other hand, we have Lady Brett Ashley. An elite British woman who was earlier separated with his husband. She met Jake Barnes in a hospital during the war and developed strong feelings for him. Although she has these feelings, she adamantly refuses a committed relationship because Jake Barnes apparently can't satisfy her physical needs. Lady Brett Ashley is one of those highly independent women of her generation who loves conversations and drinking with leisure. Most of the characters in the story have aimless and seemingly idle lives due to the war. Through the eyes of Jack Barnes as the narrator of the story, we are able to see how he sees his peers in the aftermath of the war. In all his hidden worries and trouble, he sees Lady Brett Ashley as his salvation. A cure to his war pains. Now, Jack Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley are seemingly in love with each other. But due to Jack Barnes inability to make love, Lady Brett Ashley refuses a relationship with him. Sex is apparently important to a 'modern' woman like Lady Brett. To her, the finality of one's affection is expressed through sex. True, an impotent partner would render one to be sexually frustrated and unsatisfied no matter if she admits it or not. Lady Brett Ashley is definitely one of those who are honest and knowing enough of their needs. Now does sex really matter I believe for some it does and for some it doesn't. A friend once said she wouldn't mind if her loved one got impotent. Moreover, she'd love him even though he couldn't make her satisfied in that special way. There could be other ways to find pleasure she says. When she said that, there was no doubt in my mind that a time would come when she would feel the sexual frustrations that was bound to her. After all, she is only human and due to those feelings. I myself would definitely say that sex definitely matter in an intimate relationship. It's the ultimate ingredient for the perfect recipe; loving partner, good communication and a wonderful sex life. Who wouldn't want that It's a fact that everybody I think would hope for although I'm sure not everybody would openly admit. Is love and affection really enough to cover the void of having no sex At some instances in the story I believe Lady Brett Ashley also believe it is so. In chapter four of the story, she contradicts her beliefs in instances when she lets Jake Barnes kiss or comfort her. Giving in does mean a yes right Also, when she refuses Count Mippipopolous' offer of a great amount of money to go with him on a trip, she then informs of this to Jake. Lady Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes that she wants him to join them in their trip. That was a big contradiction on her part. She obviously wanted to be with Jake, even if it is just his companionship and the fact that she downright refused to have a committed relationship with him. Impotence not only affects the sexual life of the inflicted but also his mindset. In chapter four, Jake releases his frustrations and cries himself to sleep. He regrets having even met Lady Brett Ashley and laments that his troubles would never have started he hadn't known her. Impotence has devoid him of his
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Supplier Relations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supplier Relations - Research Paper Example Generally, a good supplier relation can be described as one in which the company does not keep itself apart from the suppliers (Lautenbacher and Stidham, 2009). Research has actually showed that there exist several companies who only contact their suppliers when they are running out of stock. Even among such companies, the only kind of communication that goes on has to do with quantities of goods needed and the periods the goods are needed. These companies totally fail to see their suppliers as an integral part of their business and so see no need to keep the suppliers informed about the day to day feedback on the supplies they do and the impact of the supplies on the company. For excellent supplier relationship to take place, suppliers must be aware of the daily needs of the companies in terms of demand for products and services. Suppliers also need constant feedback from companies regarding reactions from customers. This is an important move in ensuring that suppliers supply to the specifications of customers and that products supplied are always on high demand by customers so that they do not remain in the inventories for long (Kelton, et al, 2002). Aspects of Boeing's supplier relations program that specifically address reducing inventories For Boeing as an international company, there are several relations programs that it has in place to specifically address the issue of reducing inventories, maintaining quality, regulating compliance and promoting competitiveness. In order to ensure that safety stocks are adjusted downwards and that there is improvement in quality, Boeing ensures that the leading times for supply are reduced to the barest minimum (Arrand, 2007). It would be noted that suppliers have their own lead times whiles customers also have their. But it is the lead time of customer that is paramount because it is the customer that the company makes profits from. There is constant relationship with the supplier to ensure that they reduce their lead times according to the lead time of customers. This helps in reducing inventory in the sense that it leads to a reduction in the amount of time needed to hold stock together (Fofie, 2001). Another important component of ensuring that suppliers are admonished to reduce their lead times is that when the lead times are reduced, it creates enough room for top-up orders to be made in the season when adequate time has been given to measure real demand. Consequently, all forms of rush in the supply of inventory are avoided and so suppliers can take their time to supply quality products. Another important program in place by Boeing has to do with the fact that the company has special terms of conditions as part of its relationship program whereby suppliers must prove beyond reasonable doubt that they can be trusted for reliability of supply before their services are engaged. This is an important program for ensuring reduced inventory and quality of supplies made because it ensures that the need to hold safety stocks is avoided. Meanwhile, the practice of holding safety stocks is one of the major causes of increased inventory. When companies cannot trust the reliability of supply, there are often forced to hold safety stocks that may not necessarily meet the demand of customers. As soon as new stocks come in, they are forced to offload those stocks through cheap sales, rendering the finances of the company handicapped. Boeing therefore avoids this by ensuring that there is strict regulatory
Monday, September 23, 2019
Power Bases in Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Power Bases in Leadership - Research Paper Example The paper tells that contemporary complex organizations require proper leveraging of power in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. As Bal et al. argue, power is the ability to influence others, which leaders use to enhance the performance levels of their followers and to ensure their superiors and peers arrive at the best decisions. The traditional view of power in an organization revolves around the control that individuals at the tip of organizational hierarchy have. However, leaders of different levels within an organization have access to power, whose effective harnessing is key to organizational performance. The importance of power in the organizational setting justifies studies into it and its influences. The very first argument for the importance of power in an organization stems from the historical role of work groups in human history. People have formed groups to execute tasks and accomplish given goals, which forms the basis of an organization. However, the success of such groups is to a considerable extent dependent on the interrelationship of the individuals making the team. This relationship in an organization entails the dynamics between the leader, the followers and the environment created for the group. A wrong miscarriage of power as depicted by a toxic triangle consisting of destructive leaders with susceptible followers in abuse-conducive environments is a recipe for organizational failure. (Padila, Hogan and Kaiser 176). For instance, the leadership within an organization may develop the habit of exploiting the workforce through the power vested in them. Poor pay, overworking and overt and covert forms of vertical violence among other actions from the leadership are manifestations of such abuse of power (Van Vugt, Hogan and Kaiser 178). The motivation, commitment and thus performance of the employees may wane under such circumstances and thus inhibit productivity. In case the productivity remains high, the increased informed consumerism of today’s market may lead to the products of the firm being shunned when it is deemed that they abuse their employees (Crane et al. 287). Thus, how an organization manages its power within the hierarchy determines the direction and success of the organization. Sources of Organizational Power: The important role of power within an organization leads to the need to establish the bases of power; the different types of power and how they are obtained. There are five general bases of power within an organization; legitimate/positional, reward, coercive, expert and personal power (Kinicki and Williams 138). The discussion will focus on each source of power, critically analyzing how such power can be leveraged for the benefit of the organization, pitfalls and recommendations on how to maximize this power successfully. Legitimate/Positional Power: Positional power arises when a leader occupies a legitimate position of authority. The power is positional in that it reside s in the office held; leaders get this power through being appointed to fill the position (Bal et al. 7). The organization specifies the powers held by the individual in that position and how such an individual can direct the subordinates. The legitimacy of positional power arises from the formal nature of the position. Examples of positions that have power in the organization include managers and chief executive officers. Individuals in such positions hold different levels of power, increasing as people move up in the hierarchy (9). For instance, junior level managers may have the power to recommend a promotion or punishment, while the CEO may offer the last word on the matter. Like any other form of power, the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Bosnian war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Bosnian war - Research Paper Example General MacArthur was supposedly larger-than-life, outspoken, talented and egoistic, and he often courted controversy. (History). One of his trademarks was the corncob pipe he smoked, which was custom made by ‘The Missouri Meerschaum Company’, which continues to manufacture the pipes in his honor. He graduated from the US Military Academy at the top of his class in 1903. (Biography). He was the intense American military pioneer who saved the Pacific, yet Freda Bender says General Douglas Macarthur had an astounding delicate side outside the war room. (Cardy). At the age of 21, Mrs. Bender, now 90 and living in Middle Swan, was present on the inside of Australias wartime fight for survival at Royal Australian Air Force Command in Brisbane. Hilton Hotel was additionally General Macarthurs military central command after his retreat from the Philippines. Anyway rather than the blunt general she thought she was going to meet, Mrs. Bender said he was a well disposed and consid erate man, who was polite to ladies. (Cardy). ``Hed always go back and let us go in the lift first,†she said when she was asked what she recollected most of him. â€Å"And he would always talk to you, not that I had any real power we were only little WAAAFs (Womens Auxiliary Australian Air Force personnel) but he would always say good morning or hello. He was a very pleasant man.†(Cardy) Said Mrs. Bender, who was an administrative collaborator, said the base was buzzing throughout the war. Furthermore notwithstanding every day security drills and an approaching risk of intrusion, life proceeded as typical as could be expected under the circumstances. â€Å"We couldnt take it (the war) in†she said Its now, looking back, that I realize how close we came to being invaded. General Douglas MacArthur, despite his stature as a ruthless and bloody warrior and a War Hero, was surprisingly a soft spoken man with kindness in
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A detailed account of the Black Tuesday events Essay Example for Free
A detailed account of the Black Tuesday events Essay Question: 1 Black Tuesday refers to a day in Bahamian history, April 27, 1965. The then-Opposition Leader and former Prime Minister of the Bahamas Sir Lynden Pindling threw the Speakers Mace out of the House of Assembly window in protest against the unfair gerrymandering of constituency boundaries by the then ruling United Bahamian Party (UBP) government. Thursday the 16th day of April, 1965, around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the draft order providing for the new constituency boundaries under section 63 of the 1964 constitution was in session in the house of assembly. In the chair was Dr. Raymond .W. Sawyer, the Deputy Speaker; on the floor was Sir Milo Butler, the member for the Western District. Sir Milo Butler shouted out in range at The Chairman â€Å"This Constituency Commission had done wicked things in cutting up New Providence and the Out Islands in a damnable way in order to give themselves the Minority Government a distinct advantage in the next General Elections†Sir Milo continued talking without ending. See more: Old Age Problem essay Only a little bit of grain of sand was in the quarter hour glass, the Chairman turned to Sir Milo and said, â€Å"I am very sorry but the member’s time has run out†, â€Å"Sir Milo replied â€Å"It’s very kind of you to remind me, but I intend to talk on. I ain’t going to let any grain of sand stop me from talking. Don’t throw sand in my mouth just yet I ain’t dead yet†. The Deputy Speaker noticed that Sir Milo Butler reached further than he should, suspended the proceedings and reported this incident to the Speaker, The Hon. Robert (Bobby) Symonette. The Speaker, having been informed, turned to Sir Milo Butler and asked him to be seated. The people’s champion misunderstood the language of parliament. â€Å"I am not addressing my chair. I am addressing this House,†he replied. Due to his disobedience Milo Butler was named under rule 37, It was then motion seconded to Hon. Geoffrey A.D Johnston and it was passed. The Spea ker turned, to Milo and asked him to please withdraw. He acted out and didn’t want to withdraw. He continuously pound his right fist on the table, scattered papers and said, â€Å"If I leave Mr. Speaker you are going to have to take me out†. That was his last refusal. It took four police-sergeants to physically remove Sir Milo from The House of Assembly. Shortly after that, A.D. Hanna spoke over his time limit and he also refused to stop speaking and was carried out by two police men, But Mr. A.D. Hanna wanted equal rights; he wanted four police men to carry him out as well therefore two more carried him out. Tuesday, 27 of April a week later the House of Assembly met again which was the reply to the April 16th meeting. In the Speaker’s elevated chair was the Honorable Robert .H. Symonette and on his right was his father, the Premier, Sir Roland .T. Symonette. On the Speaker’s left was the Leader of the Opposition, Sir Lynden .O. Pindling and members of the P.L.P further down. The P.L.P wasn’t so different from Sir. Milo Butler, they opened windows when the room was air-conditioned; they stamped their feet’s and beat on tables ranted and rave in one gesture against the draft constituency order. Sir Lynden Pindling lifted the ancient mace from the Speaker’s desk and said â€Å"This mace is the symbol of authority, and the authority for the islands belongs to the people, and the people are outside of this House and so this mace belongs outside too.†Sir Pindling threw the mace through the window while Sir Milo butler threw the two quarter hour glasses out of the same window. The P.L.P all stormed out of The House of Assembly, where they were welcomed by a crowed of their followers on Bay Street. It brought a halt for an hour or so, however after the mace was replace. The U.B.P’s had power laboured long and hard and finally passed the Draft Constituency Order into Law nevertheless the official opposition’s absence.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Q-syte Connector on Prevention of Thrombophlebitis
Q-syte Connector on Prevention of Thrombophlebitis CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION â€Å"To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, inspite of all we go through; is to be a nurse.†Rawsi Williams.RN. The first principle to enunciate in a hospital is â€Å"do the sick no harm†(Florence Nightingale, 1859). Curing is a part of doctors and caring is in nurses’ domain. The intravenous (IV) cannulation is a very common procedure which is performed by nurses to save the lives of the patients. Though IV therapy saves the life if it is not handled well it will result in many complications. Carson.D. et al, stated in 2012 that the history of IV therapy was trailed during the Middle Ages. The first experiments using IV therapy were carried out in the 17th century using quills and animals bladder. In 1831-1832, Dr. Thomas Latta pioneered the use of the IV saline infusion for the cholera epidemic. It was then established as a routine medical practice during World War II. By the 1990s, it was estimated that 85% of hospitalized patients in the US received IV therapy.A nursing survey in 1990 found that 75% of a nurses hospital time was spent providing IV therapy related services. The most frequent complication of peripheral intravenous (PIV) infusion is phlebitis, which may occur at rates as high as 50%,or even 75% for patients with infectious diseases; however, the incidence rate of urgent catheter insertion is approximately 20%. Although the incidence of IV infusion-related infections is difficult to determine, studies have shown that between 5% and 25% of peripheral cathet ers are colonized by skin organisms at the time of removal.(Aston 1990). Ortega,, (2008) observed that the ability to obtain PIV access is an essential skill for all nurses. Although this technique is considered as a simple invasive procedure, mastering the skill requires experience and is of substantial significance in life-saving intervention. According to Waitt ,C. and Waitt, P., approximately 80% of patients are receiving IV therapy during their hospitalisation. The IV therapy is commonly used to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance, for medication administration, for blood transfusion, etc. When comparing with other routes, the IV route is faster for fluid resuscitation and medication administration. In 2003, Macklin found that IV therapy has some common complications like phlebitis, infiltration, hematoma, extravasations, embolism, catheter related blood stream infections, etc. Drug induced thrombophlebitis is 25% to 70% comparatively higher in clinical setting for patients who are receiving IV therapy. Luer Access Split Septum (LASS) eliminates the internal complexities of mechanical valves, and with them the places that may harbour microorganisms. Studies found that patients are on average three times more likely to develop a Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI) with the use of mechanical valves vs. a split-septum needless access system. NEED FOR THE STUDY PIV cannulation is a very common invasive procedure performed by nurses throughout their duty schedule. The IV cannulation procedure is simple but it requires a lot of skills. If the cannulised site is disturbed or not maintained properly it may result in many other complications which increase the number of days in hospital as well as the cost of treatment. The intravenous catheter related infections (CRI) come under the quality indicators of a hospital. As nurses we should therefore follow our ethics and improve the quality of our nursing care by implementing evidence based innovative principles. In 2001, Reineck observed that maintenance of IV cannula patency is important to reduce the patient discomforts like visible scaring and CRI. Black et al., in 1997, found that blood clots may form in the IV line as a result of kinked IV tubing, very slow infusion rate, solution administration, etc. The CDC recommends according to 2011 guidelines, that when needleless systems are used, a split septum valve may be preferred over some mechanical valves due to an increased risk of infection with the latter ones. Recently, updated guidelines from the CDC provide a critical new evidence based intervention of Q-Syte which helps to overcome the challenges of CRBSI. When compared to the other connectors, the Q-Syte or the mechanical valve split–septum devices have 64% to 70% lower CRBSI rates. Salgado, D.C., et al , conducted a study to determine whether needleless mechanical valve device have any influence on catheter related blood stream infection among patients with a central venous catheter . He found that there was a marked decrease in the incidence of CRBSI . The investigator during her clinical experience observed that many patients who received intermittent IV drug therapy suffered from thrombophlebitis, being thus the primary cause of infection. Some studies as well as the CDC recommend to use of luer lock access along with the IV cannula. This motivated the researcher to study and to found more alternatives for preventing thrombophlebitis. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Effectiveness of Q-Syte Connector on Prevention of thrombophlebitis , IV Line Patency and Ease of Administration of Medication Among the Patients with Peripheral IV Cannula in KMCH, Coimbatore. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study are to: assess the magnitude of occurrence of thrombophlebitis and IV line patency among patients with a Q-Syte connector; compare the occurrence of thrombophlebitis and IV line patency among patients with a Q-Syte connector and those who do not have a Q-Syte connector; compare the ease of administration of medication for patients connected with Q-Syte and those without Q-Syte connector; associate the occurrence of thrombophlebitis and peripheral line occlusion with demographic variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Q- SYTE: A Luer Access Split Septum device connector which can be connected to the peripheral IV line. PATENCY: An absence of blockage in PIV line as observed by the flow of fluid without resistance. THROMBOPHLEBITIS: An inflammation of blood vessel due to blood clot. HYPOTHESIS H1 There is a significant difference in the occurance of thrombophlebitis between the patients with Q-Syte and those who are without Q-Syte in preventing of thrombophlebitis. H2 There is a significant difference in maintaining the IV line patency between the patients with Q-Syte and patients without Q-Syte. H3- There is a significant difference in easing the administration of medication between the patients with Q-Syte and patients without Q-Syte . ASSUMPTION Occlusion of a PIV line may result in the development of thrombophlebitis. Q-Syte prevents the occlusion of PIV line by preventing air entry and backflow. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework of this study was based on the modified Kolcaba comfort model. This theory was developed by Katharine Kolcaba in1990 and modified again by her in 2010. HEALTH CARE NEEDS Health care needs are those identified by the patient or its family in a particular practice setting. In the present study, the health care needs were the prevention from thrombophlebitis and the maintenance of IV line patency among the patients receiving IV drugs. HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR When patients and families are accustomed to the actions of the health care personnel (i.e. nurses), they can involve better in the health seeking behaviour which can be internal or external. In the present study, health seeking behaviours were internal when about the prevention of thrombophlebitis and external behaviour when about the functional outcome. INTERVENING VARIABLES Intervening variables are those which are not likely to change and over which the providers have a very little control such as prognosis, financial situations, the extent of social support, etc. In the present study, the intervening variables were prognosis and the extent of the social support system around the patient. COMFORT INTERVENTION Comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care. Nurses traditionally provide comfort to patients and their families through interventions that can be called comfort measures. The intentional comforting nursing actions strengthen the patients and their family. In the present study, the comfort measure was the setting of Q-Syte connector along with the IV cannula in the experimental group and not in the control group. ENHANCED COMFORT Enhanced comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care. In the present study, the enhanced comfort was the relief from thrombophlebitis by maintaining the IV patency. INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY Institutional integrity is defined as the values, the financial stability and the wholeness of health care organisations at local, regional, state and national levels. In the present study, the institutional integrity was the financial stability and the wholeness of the health care organisation. 7. BEST PRACTICE Best practices are the protocols and the procedures developed by an institution after collecting evidence on specific applications on the patient. In the present study, the best practice was the setting of Q-Syte connectors along with IV cannula for patients receiving such injections. 1
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Food Safety in Singapore: Enforcing Hygiene Safety Standards Essay exam
Have you ever found unwanted ingredients that could be carrying harmful bacteria in your food? Hair, flies, worms or maybe even a cockroach leg? How about going in and out of the restroom repeatedly after dinner at a nearby hawker centre? According to statistics from the Ministry of Health Singapore, there were 6947 cases of food poisoning with three deaths in 1998. Also, in the same year, 9125 food premises were shut down for failing to fulfill the standard hygiene requirements. In fact, the World Health Organisation has pointed out that food-borne diseases can be effectively reduced if both commercial and domestic food handlers practice correct, hygienic food practices. Of course, all this relates back to the food poisoning cases from the Rojak Geylang Serai stall, which caused over more than 150 people to fall ill and the deaths of 2 unfortunate people. What exactly were the problems which could have caused all this damage? The first possible problem is that some greedy hawkers value money over the quality of the food they cook, thus resulting in customers going down with fo...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Challenger :: essays research papers
January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger the 25th space shuttle mission, was set to be launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida at, 11:38am. Originally the launch was scheduled for January 22, at 3:43pm but had been set back several times due to bad weather. Hopes ran high the anticipation for the lift off was tremendous. This was to be one of the greatest missions ever. It would be a first for many things. The most publicized was that it would be the first time a schoolteacher was allowed to travel in space. The crew was picked and they were anxiously awaiting the countdown. On board the space shuttle that fateful day was.. Crew of the Challenger Michael J. Smith (Pilot) Francis R. Scobee (Commander) Judith A. Resnik (Mission Specialist 1) Ellison S. Onizuka (Mission Specialist 2) Ronald E. McNair (Mission Specialist 3) Gregory B. Jarvis (Payload Specialist 1) Sharon Christa McAuliffe (Payload Specialist 2) 3,2,1..Lift off..The 10th flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger and the twenty-fifth space shuttle mission, the Challenger had been launched from Pad 39B at 11:38am EST. Hopes ran high as many were lined outside to watch the Challenger being launched, the lift-off was being watched live on television for those who couldn't make it to the Kennedy Space Center. As the Challenger climbed higher and higher something that wasn't expected occurred. Seventy-three seconds after lift-off the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded, killing all 7 crewmembers. The United States was devastated. Many people thought this would be one of the greatest missions ever. So what really happened? Many factors contributed to the explosion of the space shuttle. The temperature was 36Â °F at the launching site. After the Solid Rocket Boosters a.k.a. SRB was ignited a thundering noise was heard. Pictures and video showed black smoke coming from the bottom field joint of the right Solid Rocket Booster. That suggested that an O ring was being burned. At 58.8 seconds after lift-off a small flame could be seen on the SRB with enhanced film a few seconds later it could be seen without enhanced film. More time passed by the flame grew bigger and the SRB was beginning to rotate freely and in less than 2 seconds the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. The Challenger was at a height of 46,000 feet when it exploded.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Eymp 5
2. 1 Explain the ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children during the early years. Adults can effectively support the speech, language and communication development of the child by the parent talking fluently and clearly so the child can hear the patterns of the language they are learning. The adult can also help the child’s understanding of communication by miming the actions they are saying, this help the child put together the actions and words to understand what he adult is saying.An adult can extend the child’s development by introducing new words, and getting the child to use more intellectual words such as ‘dog’ instead of ‘doggy’. Babies communicate by crying for their needs such as for a nappy change or a bottle. Adults can support the child’s development by talking to babies in short phases and high pitched voices and emphasis on key words, this is cal led parentese.Another way that adults communicate with children is by eye contact, if the child has sigh issues then the babies response would be by listening intently and becoming still, as for a baby that is well sighted would ‘dance’ and smile. Adults can extend the child’s communication development by repeating a word to the baby to get them used to the word, and then showing the child the meaning, by also miming and using body language. 2. Explain the relevant positive effects of adult support for the children and their causes. The positive effects of adult support for the children involve improvements in speech, language and communication skills, social interaction, behaviour and emotional development / self confidence. Praising and encouragement are very important when supporting the child’s speech, language and communication development as they need a lot of praising or rewards when the child is speaking correctly.By the adults giving the child rew ards and praising them supports the child as they know they are doing good, and will continue to excel and improve their development, as well as the child gains self – confidence and self – esteem when they are being praised which allows the child to experience new things and experiences, this would help the child’s communication as they would have the confidence to speak up and ask questions. There are a few methods that are used to praise children, one is verbal, such as praising the child by giving them positive comments about what they are doing and how they do things like ‘Brilliant Tony!You played really well’ As this has two positive comments would make the child feel good, and would then go and play well again and this would improve their social interaction as well as their motional development. Another positive method that the adult could use is symbols, such as smiley faces and well done stickers when the child has done something well such as reading, this would have a positive effect on the child development as they feel confident as they can read well or playing well, which could lead to the child trying to learn and do more things as they feel good about themselves.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Critique on the Blank Slate Essay
There are three doctrines which have attained sacred status in modern intellectual life. The Blank Slate, a loose translation of the medieval Latin term tabula rasa, scraped tablet, commonly attributed to John Locke which delves into the opposing of political status quos and social arrangements, stating mainly that the mind is like a sheet of white paper void of all characters and ideas, furnished with words through experience; it denounced the differences seen among races, including the institution of slavery as slaves could no longer be thought of as innately inferior, ethnic groups, sexes and individuals for the differences come not from the innate constitution but from the differences in the experiences. It is indeed fitting to think of the mind that way as the mind is like a blank sheet of paper filled only through experience. Yet it is safe to say that not only experience that can fill it but also preconceptions and expectations of the society. Another doctrine is The Noble Savage, commonly attributed to philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, inspired by the European colonists’ discovery of the indigenous in the New World; it stated the belief that savages were solitary, without ties of love or loyalty and without any industry or art. It also captures the belief that humans in their natural state are selfless, peaceable and untroubled and that negative emotions such as greed and jealousy are products of civilization, a concept which debased Thomas Hobbes’ belief that man is naturally cruel and requires a regular system of police to be resolved. Looking at it from a personal angle, I would say that I quite agree with Hobbes only on one aspect: man is naturally cruel; if he isn’t, then how is it that our history has been tainted with the blood of millions of people who have died because of a single man who could not rein his malice, i.e. Hitler. Even in our everyday life, we manage to impress upon other peopl e our evil nature, even if in a simple way. But that does not mean that we need to surrender our lives to leviathan control for I believe that we can change our nature, no matter how far back we may seem. As the last doctrine states, we are not merely machines with gears and springs, we are our minds and thus we have the ability to think and choose our own decisions. The last doctrine, attributed to Rene Descartes, is perhaps the most ingenious of all: The Ghost in the Machine. Our mind exists because we know how to think and the very act of doing so proves it. Our bodies’ existence however may be doubted for we may simply be immaterial spirits who merely daydream that we are incarnate. Add to that a moral bonus: the belief that the mind is a different kind of thing from the body. And what makes it truly intriguing is the fact that philosophers argue as to when the ghost enters the body, during the start of the fertilization when the sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell and creates the zygote or when it has become a fetus ready to be borne into the world. Certainly it is an argument comparable to the question, â€Å"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?†Philosophically answering the question would pertain to another question, â€Å"what is meant by ‘came first’?†as all philosophical questions go. These doctrines have so shaped the world that it has left fingerprints, from Walt Disney to the former president of the United States, George W. Bush. And even for a simple student like me who has recently come across the subject, I can say that I have already thought of such concepts even without reading it before, or at least I have thought about the idea of the Noble Savage and the Blank Slate. Yet as I read the concept of the Ghost in the Machine, I was very much in awe for I have never, in my whole sixteen years of existence, thought of such a thing. And what really appeals to me is the fact that Descartes claims that we are our minds and that our body may merely be an image we have formed as immaterial b eings. Even Buddha thought so, stating that â€Å"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I have long doubted the ideas of ghosts and reading of such a concept, especially in a subject such as this, makes me wonder how the philosopher conceived such an idea. Thinking of it gives me shivers as it implies that we are beings far greater than we imagined. And as good as it may sound, I think it appeals to man’s egotistic nature; we as humans who have done things, good and evil, try to look for a sound explanation to ease our consciences. I cannot say that the idea does not appeal to me yet I cannot also say that I do agree with it; on the other hand, of the three doctrines, I agree the most with the doctrine of The Noble Savage. I do believe that in our true nature, we are savages but that does not mean that we did not know how to control ourselves; indeed it would seem that the Native Americans, the specific race of people that the Europeans based the doctrine of The Noble Savage on, had a better society than we did: they were less barbaric, no employment problems and substance abuse, even crime was nearly nonexistent. And even if there were hard times, life was definitely stable and predictable. And yet that in itself was the reason why man chose to come out of his â€Å"savage†nature; he wanted adventure, twist and turns in his life; he wanted to feel the thrill of living. There is nothing wrong with that but for every choice there is a price to pay and the price we paid was high even if it remains to be seen whether it was worth it or not. However that is not enough reason to turn over our free will to an autonomous control; doing so would merely undermine the choices we have made for our civilization. Besides, our lives are meant to be lived fully and whatever choices we make, we must stand by it and see it to the end. Our mind, no matter how it started or whatever way it really is, is a tool for us to live our lives as we see fit. We must learn to harness our true potential to make sure that whatever choices we make would produce positive ripples that would be felt in the distant future to help the coming generations. As Plutarch said, â€Å"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.â€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Causes of American Divorce Essay
For the last decade, the issue of American divorce has increased dramatically. A significant change in economical, psychological and emotional mind set could be the explanation of why so many American are ending their relationship in divorce. Issues such as, not having enough financial stability, lack of communication and lack of commitment, in other words infidelity, could provide an explanation to society of why divorce has increased throughout the years. The first cause of divorce may be because of not having enough financial stability from one of the spouses or both. The quote, â€Å"Money is the root of all evil,†may be true, especially when it comes to American marriages. Although, instead, the quote should say â€Å"Money is the root to all reasons marriages fail.†Money may not be the only reason it fails but could be one of the reasons. An example of this could be, if a spouse is paying for necessity based things, such as, bills and food and the other spends too much on things that are useless, this could become a problem, especially when children are involved. Most married couples tend to forget that when they say their marriage vows, there is an important line that pertains to money and that is, â€Å"Til debt do us part.†Relationships sometimes begin and the spouse may not know the financial difficulties one may be having. This could cause a problem when the couples try to buy a house or a car. Frustra tion could come upon them and eventually end the marriage due to the arguments. However, financial problems might not be the only cause of divorce. The second cause of American marriages ending in divorce could be, lack of communication. Most couples tend to stay fairly busy with work or college and don’t get a large amount of time to talk about issues one may be facing with the other, for fear that an argument may happen. However, not talking about the issues could become a problem. For example, the spouse may do something the other doesn’t like and if it keeps happening, the petty problem could cause an outrage to spark and since they were unable to solve the problem before because of lack of communication it could lead to the marriage possibly failing. The quote, â€Å"Love is communication, so the bottom line is; a lack of communication is a lack of love,†could be true for most marriages because not talking could cause separation between the spouses. The third cause of American divorce could be lack of commitment or infidelity. Infidelity is the act of unfaithfulness to a person. This could be the number one cause of marriage failure. For example, a spouse may not be into the sexual arousal game as the other spouse is. This could then lead to the spouse engaging in sexual activity with someone other than the person they married to. Sexual desire is not the only form of infidelity. Lust may be consider as adultery as well. A spouse may begin to have fantasies of being with someone else or an intense desire of love toward a person. To conclude, the three possible reasons American marriages fail could be because of financial issues, lack of communication and lack of commitment or infidelity. The numbers are becoming dramatically alarming. To stop this problem from happening marriages should build their relationship on a strong foundation and beware of rushing into things before talking about. Communication should be an important matter in any relationship.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The company I would like to talk about is Starbucks
A company’s individual organizational structure is a formal composition of task and reporting relationships that allows the company to control, coordinate, and motivate employees so a common goal can be achieved (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p. 505). Starbucks last structure is a matrix structure to maximize communication. It was implemented in 2008 to strengthen partnerships, and improve customer service. Starbucks has 4 divisions within the U. S. Each division has its own supporting functions, which report to their own department and the division. The support functions are â€Å"designed to consolidate functional activities into teams that have a shared vision and goals to support the business†(Schultz, 2008, para. 10 ). Organization mission: Starbucks’ mission is to â€Å"inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time†. (Starbucks, 2011, para. 7 ). Starbuck is commited to be good to people and the environment. They have implemented several programs to support communities and coffee farmers. They also make donations to African communities to help people living with HIV. Fiscal Policies: Starbucks has a very strong corporate social responsibility governance. All operations and reports are conformed to legal requirements enforced by the SEC and any other governmental agencies. Competition: â€Å"Today, with more than 15,000 stores in 50 countries, Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world†(Starbucks, 2011, para. 7). Starbucks' biggest competitors are Mcdonald's, 7-Eleven, Dunkin Donuts, and Caribou Coffee. However, Starbucks has managed to stay ahead because of the unique quality of their coffee and their customer service. Economy: The 2008 restructure implementation has helped Starbucks to overcome the global economic crisis. â€Å"During this past fiscal year, revenues increased to a record $10. 7 billion. Operating income increased by $857 million from fi scal 2009 to $1. 4 billion†(Schultz, 2011, p. 3). Customer demands: Customers come to Starbucks for a unique coffee experience, personalized customer service. Globalization: Starbucks has stores in 50 different countries. Communication can be challenging when dealing with different cultures. Starbucks welcomes diversity. Starbucks believes that †by welcoming a diversity of people and ideas to our business, we create more opportunities for learning and success that benefit customers, partners (employees) and suppliers†(Starbucks, 2011, para. 5).
Milton Paradise Lost Commentary
The Renaissance era represents a complete break with the Middle Ages on a political, philosophical, scientifical and theological scale. Indeed, the discovery of new territories and the expeditions of explorers such as Francis Drake, the resurgence of classic writtings, the new scientific outbreaks of Copernicus, Newton and Galilei as well as the Protestant reformation led by Luther and his 95 Theses, triggered a will for knowledge and a quest for truth, thus putting an end to the intellectual hegemony of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe. Intellectuals of this era began to think on mankind, looking for answers outside of the Religious constraints. Written during this context of political and religious upheaval, Paradise Lost, an epic poem published in 1667 in ten books, reflects in a way the great changes of the Renaissance. This poem, written by John Milton (December 1608 – November 1674), an English poet, polemicist and civil servant, tell the Christian story of the creation of the Earth, the fall of Satan and the Fall of Man. As a puritan, Milton, who had already attacked the Church for its corruption in Lycidas (1637), give this classical Christian tale puritan traits (such as the protrayal of Eve as a dedicated worker). The passage under study is taken from Book 9 of Paradise lost. In this book, the narrator focuses on the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Satan returns to the Garden of Eden eight days after his banishment by Gabriel to avenge himself. Adam and Eve , preparing for their labors, decide to work separatly , even if Adam is anxious that eve would be an easy prey to Satan’s temptation . In this passage we can see the approach of the Satan , (the snake) and the begining of his temptation that will lead Eve to eat the prohibited fruit. We can clearly see that Milton here uses a mix of Classical and Judeo-christian mythology to tell this tale. We can thus wonder In which way he uses these influences, and why he uses them ? In a first part we will see that the Serpent is a symbol of temptation, and in a second part we wll analyse Milton’s uses of Classical mythology. First, Milton depicts the snake which Satan is possessing, as an incredibly beautiful animal. The main strategy of Satan to try to corrupt the naive mind of Eve is to appear as a magnificent snake. According to the narrator, his physical appearance is so pleasing that never a snake will be as beautiful (on verse 504 â€Å"pleasing was his shape, and lovely, never since a serpent lovelier†). To describe the snake, the narrator use the lexical field of precious material: â€Å"carbuncle his eyes†on verse 500, â€Å"neck of verdent gold†on verse 501. Here Satan seems to have chosen a snake whose appearance can attract Eve only because his similitude with precious material. In a kind of materialist temptation, he tries to appeal to Eve inner sin of cupidity to seduce her. But there is something paradoxical in the way the snake is depicted as a beautiful creature. Indeed, the snake is often assimilated with death, the venom of some species of snakes such as the cobra can kill a man in less than one hour. It also an animal that generate instinctive fear in most human (and occurence of Ophidiophobia can be found everywhere). Here death and beauty become assimilated in one animal. It can thus be perceived as personification of the treachery of satan: behind the beaty of his rethoric, of his discourse hides a terrible fates, the banishment of Man from Heaven. This can also underline the interest of humans for macabre, dark topics. We can see since the dawn of age exemples of this morbid attraction of the Human race: public executions had always (and still do) gathered a lot of people around the death of a single man as well as we can see every day the impact (and also its capacity of generating profits) of a news involving the mysterious death of a movie star, of the murder of a whole family by its patriarch. As we know, Satan has chosen this animal, maybe he relies on this fascination to attract eve attention. We can also notice that the serpent can be interpreted as a phallic symbol. On verse 498 to 502 the snake is described as a â€Å"circular base that towered folds above folds a surprising maze [†¦ ] with burnished neck [†¦ ] erect amidst his circling spires†. Thus the snake appears as a symbol of virility, a phallic form erecting from the ground and can be understood as another strategy of Satan to cajole Eve into trusting him. On the other hand this links made by Milton between sensuality and religion can be seen as a hint of the influence of the metaphysical poetry on his writting: this link beeing one of the interest of the metaphysical poets who were contemporary with Milton. Then the snake can be analysed as a symbol of corruption and of perfidy. Satan uses a disguise, a snake to talk to eve. He uses his beauty, his eloquence to seduce her. His wave movements, looking like a dance, and his attitude (â€Å"Fawning, and licking the ground whereon she strod†on verse 526) can be interpreted as a nuptial parade with the snake laying on the primal instinct (which are restricted by religion) of Man to attract Eve in his trap. It is also interesting to note that the occurence of the word Satan is, as Satan himself, disguised in this passage. Here Satan is refered to as â€Å"the snake†or â€Å"the enemy of mankind†on verse 494. The word Satan can only be seen if the reader looks closely at the poem: an acrostic is hidden from verse 510 to 515. This clever technic reflects the vicious strategy of the Devil in the passage. Satan’s main strategy to talk Eve into beliving that she has the right to eat the apple is flattery. The Devil choose to tempt Eve because he was afraid of Adam’s intelligence which could have be an obstacle to his scheme. Thus he constantly celebrate eve beauty and superiority of others God’s creature to put her in a position where she can feel free to act as she wants. From verse 532 to the end of the passage the snake states that eve is â€Å"sole wonder†, that she is a â€Å"universally admired†â€Å"celestial beauty†that should be â€Å" a goddes among gods, adored and served by angels numberless†. The snake thus seems to contradict Gods Hierarchy of creation, The Great Chain of Being. According to him, Eve is higher than all the other creations of god, and should be sitting just next to god, just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus. In this passage the snake is the voices that question god authority and urges Eve to more freedom which appears, in the eyes of God as an Heresy. Hence a parallel can be drawn betwen the questioning of God’s Hierarchy by the snakes and the questioning of God’s Hierarchy by the new theories about cosmos expressed by scientists such as Copernic who were at the time seen as Heretics, devilish prophets and treated as such. Now that we have seen in which way the snakes represents a symbol of temptation embodying as well as the Biblical symbol of sin, the Renaissance questioning of God’s Hierarchy, we are going to see and analyse Milton’s use of Classic Mythology in this passage. First Milton’s use of Classic reference in his text can be interpreted as a perversions of those myths. In this passage he uses three myth to illustrate the action. He first refers to the tale of Hermione and Cadmus taken from Metamorphoses written by Ovid in AD 8. According to this classic of Latin literature they were both transformed into snakes in an act of vengence from the Gods. Then he refers to transformation of â€Å"Amonian Jove†and â€Å"Capitoline†into snakes to seduce and â€Å"mate†with Olympias and the mother of Scipio to give birth of two of the most famous and glorious war chief of both hellenistic and Roman era: Alexander the Great and Scipio Africanus. We can notice that Milton cleverly used myth in which the snakes as a role close to the one it has in the Bible. Concerning Ovid, the snakes is an object of temptation for which Hermione yields and is thus punished by being transformed in a snake. Concerning the myth of the birth of Alexender and Scipio, the snakes, just as in the Bible, is in fact a deity in disguise, seducing a woman. But if we look closely, these myth appeared to be perverted. In the classical myth, the deity or characters who are transformed into a snake are great and nobles characters: Cadmus is the founder of Thebes, and Amonian Jove and Capitoline are Jupiter. In paradise lost, the snake is Satan, the personification of rebellion against God’s will and of all the Human Sins. In this antithetic linking of diverse mythology, Milton wants to contrast Satan perfidy with classical characters nobility while underlining common themes. He thus appeals to a particular knowledge of his readers. On the other hand , the author’s use of classical mythology in this text can be seen as another influence of the metaphysical poetry on the Milton. Mixing diverse sources of knowledge to build his imagery is a technic used by metaphysiacal poets such as John Donne. But when others metaphysical poets mixed scientific, geographical, astronomical discoveries with theology and philospy, Milton just mixed Judeo-christian religious myths with classical myths. Even if this influence is small, it is sufficient to guess that Milton, contemporaneous with Donne, Herbert, Henry or Crashaw, has drawn some inspiration from the work of these poets. Moreover, Milton use of Classical mythology is representative of the Renaissance. Indeed, it clearly illustrates the resurgence of classical works during this era. Every arts had been affected by this tendency, in paintings, the classical style was a new fashion, the subjects taken from greek mythology began to be more and more numerous, Michaelangelo being a good exemple in both the sculpture and painting field. This resurgence has also an impact on architecture (with the building of houses, mansions, official buildign following the principle of the straight line) , on philosophy ( the â€Å"raison†and the re-reading of the platonician and socratic philosophy) as well as on literature. Thus Milton appears as an exemple of this new interest ofr the classical literrature, and htis work, Paradise lost, embodies this feature of the Renaissance. Finally, as we have seen, Milton uses his main influence, the Bible, to depicts the snake as a symbol of temptation and perfidy and uses his other influence, the classical mythology, in a perversion of the myths to develop his imagery. Furthermore, analysing this text, we can see that Milton was also influenced by the Metaphysical Poets in his uses of mixed sources as well as the use of the theme of the link between sensuality and religion. This book, which is now one of the most famous piece of english poetry, had a great influence on following artists such as Blake who considered Milton as the major English Poet and Edmond Burke and the Romantic theory, asserting â€Å"No person seems better to have understood the secret of heightening, or of setting terrible things, if I may use the expression, in their strongest light, by the force of a judicious obscurity than Milton. †, valuating his exploration of blank verse. Milton also had a great impact on the English language by creating neologism that are still used today such as pand?monium, enslaved, satanic and self-esteem.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Literary analysis of Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried- Essay
Literary analysis of Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried- Relationship between Women & Men - Essay Example The reader is introduced to Mary Ann Bell as part of a story told by Rat Kiley. This is warning enough that the story may not be true, but it nevertheless portrays a certain kind of fantasy about women that the soldiers have. She is described in sexist terms as â€Å"This cute blonde†¦she’s got on culottes. White culottes and this sexy pink sweater†(p. 86) The importance of this character at the beginning is that she is sweet and innocent, and her clean pink and white clothes are a sharp contrast to the dirty green uniforms that everyone wears on the battlefield. Her boyfriend Mark Fossie is supposed to have arranged for her to come over to join him, and no doubt this is the dream of every soldier. The whole episode is obviously fantasy and wish fulfilment. The story of Mary Ann Bell’s corruption by the horrors of war is symbolized in her appearance when she is found in the creepy cave. The author stresses that she is the same person that she was before, an d yet something dreadful has happened to her: â€Å"She was barefoot. She wore her pink sweater and a white blouse and a simple cotton skirt.†(p. 105) This cheerleader image is shattered, however with the revelation: â€Å"At the girl’s throat was a necklace of human tongues.†(p. ... The innocent eyes of girls at home are contrasted with the fictitious Mary Anne Bell who did share the boys’s experience: â€Å"She was there. She was up to her eyeballs in it.†(p. 108) The legend of Mary Anne Bell is the legend of the girlfriend who turned into a better soldier than all of the young men and actually enjoyed the terror and the gruesome body parts and awful smells. Mary Anne Bell is both the idealized dream girlfriend, and the terrifying nightmare girlfriend who loses her cuteness and becomes just as depraved and hardened as the men. Neither version is a real person, of course. It seems that the men need these psychological extremes to love and to hate. Mary Anne Bell is a harmless target of their strongest emotions and thinking about her helps them to work through difficult feelings. Some of the male characters pretend that they are great lovers who can attract many women, and this betrays an attitude of seeing women as sex objects. An example of this is the stories that Rat Kiley told about his exploits: â€Å"If Rat told you, for example, that he’d slept with four girls one night, you could figure it was about a girl and a half.†(page 85). All of the women characters in the book are presented through the eyes of the soldiers and they are all to some extent used by the soldiers as objects. This kind of objectification can be insulting to women, but there are many occasions where the reader can see that there is real love going on between the soldiers and their wives and girlfriends. There is obviously a difficulty in doing this because the men are separated from their female friends and relatives, but in this situation small tokens are used instead. These are more than just souvenirs, but they become holders of deep
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Advocacy letter about sexual orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advocacy letter about sexual orientation - Essay Example Amongst this number included 17.5% of the students who were personal victims of the situation. We realize that part of what causes this problem is the fact that there is no adequate research or funding that can aid research on the sexual orientation area. There is, however, lots of talking and discussions about sexual orientation that goes on around the country. Though it might not be open to us to fully know the medical or scientific foundations that results to the sexual orientation of an individual, our system is already handling the discussion in such a way that its impact is quite vivid. Some of the students reactions I school can be seen as many of them do not feel safe due to their sexual orientation. This can be explained by the results of the survey on school safety that was carried out by an organization known as GLSEN in 2013. In this survey, it was proved that sexual orientation as a factor contributed to 55.5% of the LGBT students feeling unsafe at school. The same surve y found out that, 37.8% of the students were felt unsafe at school due to their gender expression. It is vividly clear that sexual orientation as an important concern to students is not being addressed in schools even as people continue to increase their awareness and education with regards to sex. This is a notion that needs to change. It is understood that until now, this issue has not been addressed satisfactorily. There have been many misunderstandings about the issue that has made the topic extremely sensitive. The major source of misunderstandings is the national religious variations we have in the country. Quoting from the U.S Constitution, we have two fundamental principles that apply to all the public schools. The first amendment is about the separating church and the state and protection of the freedom of speech. The fourteenth
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Abortion - Research Paper Example Inability to support or afford a child is another major reason for abortion. Sometimes women choose to have an abortion to prevent the birth of a baby with major birth defects or severe delivery complications. Finally, they consider abortion as a means of terminating pregnancy resulting from an incest or rape (WebMD). All religions consider abortion as an extreme sin because they believe that human life is created by god and therefore no person other than God may take a life (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children). Humanitarians hold the view that every individual has the right to live and abortion is therefore an inhumane activity. In contrast to this, some people opine that the decision must be left to the option of women as they are the child bearers. The US Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade in 1973 made abortion legal in every state of the country (qtd in Rosenthal, 313). Prior to this ruling, legality of abortion was left to the option of individual states. It was illegal in 30 states and legal in 20 states under particular circumstances. However, individual states are allowed to regulate abortion or form trigger laws. Currently, 6 states follows trigger laws and other three states possess laws to criminalize abortion. It must be noted that the US constitution guarantees women’s fundamental right to choose abortion. At the same time, US constitution provides states with the right to restrict abortion practices to varying degrees. I strongly support the Federal position on abortion. Every child has the right to obtain proper care and love and which is not guaranteed when a woman is forced to give birth to an unwanted child. It is observed that majority of the abortions take place in the first trimester. At this stage, a fetus is fully dependent of the mother and hence it cannot be considered as a separate entity. In many cases, abortion reduces the probability of pregnancy related complications and secures mother’s life. If a woman
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Survey of Healthcare Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Survey of Healthcare Management - Essay Example ng meeting every end year where the plies of the people are raised and taken into consideration, appraising performance, the management to provide a proper working environment which is safe and clean. To empower the involved parties activities to be carried out include offering educational talks about the nature of the industry and giving the workers a chance to develop themselves. The plan focuses on impacting skills to the workers through means such as on job training, providing leave outs for individuals to attend classes and offering scholarship opportunities to willing individuals who are competent to advance in their studies. This will arm them with the needed skills to enable the conduct their duties efficiently. The model advocates for teamwork by offering group work assignment to workers. There is also requests for the views of the community including the patients attended to and the families living in the area to rate the quality of the services provided (Olsen, Erica, 32=55). An employee training plan is a plan that captures all the activities to be carried out to ensure for the desired skill to be passed to the employee to ensure that they perform them with proficiency. The following activities will be adopted to ensure that there is efficiency in the plan. For example the classes are scheduled at the time the target group is able and easily access the class rooms, well trained tutors are to be hired to ensure delivery of the desired content and motivational allowances are provided. The skills should involve review of past periods policies and procedures and contrite on important topics The employee are empowered by being given a chance to part in decision making, given authority to act in given circumstances and taught how to solve issues among clients. The plan also outlines the way in which issues involving the patients can be handled (Aubrey, 43-67). To warrant constancy with the dream and mission statement and service strategy, frequent checks
Monday, September 9, 2019
The British Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6
The British Economy - Essay Example A fixed exchange rate system as the name suggests, is a system in which the country in question is striving to prevent the exchange rate of the currency to change with the change is balance payments of deficits. This is a system which needs other accompanying systems to make it work (Pitt, 2001). When this system is to be implemented, the government uses certain measures and implements some specific rules. Usually, these rules include the fact that when interventions in the foreign markets are made, there should be macro-economic adjustments so that the income which is spent on imports is reduced. Along with that, protective tariffs are imposed so that the number of imports can be reduced to a desirable level. This system also includes some rules in which there is a restriction on the amount of foreign currencies that can be bought (Barro, 2008). The reason why a fixed exchange rate is used is that it provides certain benefits for the exporters. The basic reason why the exporters benefit from a fixed exchange rate is that there is greater certainty of the rates and the income which would be ultimately received from the export. The exporters have to take lesser risks and can guarantee results that would be more or less near to the things which are predicted (Pitt, 2001). The fixed exchange rate also enables the domestic firms and their workers to make them more disciplined. They enforce the idea that the costs of the company should be kept under a strict balance because that is the only way in which the company is able to compete in the international market. When the domestic firms are watching their costs, the government is able to control inflation and that in turn would control the interest rates (Barro, 2008). The years 1876 to 1913, were the ones in which the rate of a currency was established on the basis of that currency’s comparative conversion into an ounce of gold. This
Sunday, September 8, 2019
1-7 Topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
1-7 Topics - Essay Example Transaction demand for money. This is a situation where people hold money to purchase goods and services. This is the most common form of money demand as each and every individual in the world demand money to pay for services and goods for consumption. Demand for money exhibits a negative relationship with the nominal interest rates. As the interest rates increases decrease, the demand for money increases. When the nominal interest rate decreases, the result is less attractive bonds (Langdana, 34). If a person gets a lower interest rate on the investment, he is more likely to trade those investments in for hard cash. Rising real incomes and increasing numbers of people employed will increase the demand for money at each interest rate. The transaction demand for money is positively related to inflation and income. An increase in a person’s income rises or as the prices increases, he will hold more money that will enable him carry out his daily transactions. Monetary policy- in controlling the inflation in the economy, I would recommend that the central bank lowers the lending rates, normally to a target of around 2-3%. Monetarists emphasized on keeping the growth rate of money steadily and using monetary policy inflation. They opted for slowing the rise in the money stock, and increasing interest rates. The next recommendation is to adjust the real wage. Increase in inflation makes get pay rise to offset inflation. However their real wage remain constant and hence the purchasing power is not lost as long as the nominal wage rise keep up and wages does not fall. Monetary policy is the process by which the Central Bank of a country controls money supply that targets the interest rates for the purpose of enhancing economic stability and growth. Tools of monetary policy include: Reserve requirements- this is the case where the monetary authority applies regulatory control over banks.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Japan-Korea Trade Relations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Japan-Korea Trade Relations - Term Paper Example The contraction of the trade relations between Korea and Japan initiated between the years 1929 and 1933 which was the period of the Great Depression. However this contraction in the trade was temporary. The trade expanded again after the year 1933. The expansion was fast and the exports to and imports from Japan were 80% of the total exports and imports. The trade relations between Japan and Korea were severed after the World War II. As compared to the exports before the World War II, Korea’s exports were negligible. The exports in the year 1953 were merely 1% of the total Grand National Product (GNP); however the imports were 10%. This difference in exports and imports affected the Korean economy in a negative way and it created a very sophisticated system of exchange rates (Hong, 1979). Due to the Korean War, trade with Japan stimulated; however the extent of imports was far larger than that of exports. The scenario changed again the trade between Korea and Japan came down to a very insignificant rate of GNP by the end of 1950s. In the 1960s, trade between Korea and Japan began to grow again and by the mid of the decade the trade relations between both these countries were established. Both the imports from and exports to Japan rose by a significant degree and they accounted for a high proportion of the total imports and exports of Korea. From the perspective of Japan, exports to Korea were 2.8% of the total exports in the year 1962 (Haggard 1990). In the early 1960s, the President of Korea had initiated designing economic reforms that encouraged trade relations with Japan. Such reforms included unification of the exchange rates and the controls on exchange were... Any impact on these economies would affect the rest of the economies in the region; therefore it is highly important that both the economies remain stable. In the recent past, it has been observed that without any cooperation, these economies would not be able to handle the economic crisis in the Asia. The Asian economic crisis caused both these countries to promote a closer economic relationship. This time, it was determined that mere private sector cooperation would not suffice, but the economies will have to cooperate at governmental level. Thus, it can be inferred that the trade relations between Japan and Korea are just as important for the region as they are important for these two economies. According to Yamazawa, a framework is being designed that would help Japan and Korea to implement upon their plan for a closer economic relationship. The framework would also include a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which would facilitate the trade among these two countries even more. The trade relations between Korea and Japan have not been quite smooth since their very inception. There have been certain factors that keep the trade between these countries from developing. According to historical facts, Japan and Korea have made a number of attempts to improve the trade. However, the imbalance in the trade between these countries kept increasing over the years till the trade deficit reached a very high point. The trades relations have been unfavorable since then, however both the countries have been trying to get improve the trade relations once again and discussions between the officials of both the countries are underway.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Cellular Respiration Essay Example for Free
Cellular Respiration Essay Abstract The effect of nature of substrates on the rate of cellular respiration in yeast was determined by using the Smith fermentation tube method. Mixtures of 15ml distilled H2O, 10% yeast suspension and 15ml of the following solutions (all at 10% concentration):1- starch, 2 – lactose, 3 – sucrose, 4 – glucose, 5 – fructose, 6 – distilled water , were poured in six smith fermentation tubes. Cotton balls were plugged in the openings of the tubes and the tubes were kept upright and observed for 30 minutes. The mixture with the sucrose solution acquired the highest computed volume of gas evolved and the rate of CO2 evolution seconded by glucose and followed by fructose. This stated that the higher the amount of the CO2 evolved, the faster the rate of respiration. Mixtures with lactose, starch and dH2O solutions obtained zero result for the volume of gas evolved and rate of CO2 evolution. Thus, the nature of subtrate used slows down or fastens the rate of cellular respiration. Introduction Cellular respiration is defined as an enzyme mediated process in which organic compounds such as glucose is broken down into simpler products with the release of energy (Duka, Diaz and Villa, 2009). It is a series of metabolic processes and oxidation-reduction reactions. Oxidation of substrates, such as glucose, is a fundamental part of cellular respiration (Mader, 2009). As a catabolic process, it may or may not require the presence of oxygen. The process that requires oxygen is called aerobic respiration while the process that does not require the presence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. (Duka, 2007) Despite of its low yield of only two ATP (energy used by the cells to perform its duties), anaerobic respiration is essential because it continuously synthesizes ATP albeit oxygen is temporarily in short supply. Although anaerobic respiration synthesizes a low yield of ATP (which is the energy used by the cell enables it to perform its duties), it is essential because it is a way to produce ATP even though oxygen is temporarily in short supply. Though this process brings benefits usually, these are accompanied by drawbacks. One of these downsides is the formation of lactate in the muscles because of â€Å"oxygen debt†, causing it to â€Å"burn†and eventually fatigue, until pyruvate is reduced from lactate (Madur, 2009). Anaerobic respiration can be further divided into two types; namely, alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate (product of glucose in glycolysis) is converted to 2 molecules of ethanol (C2H5OH) and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) while in lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is reduced directly into lactic acid (Campbell and Reece, 2008). A good example of organism which produces ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide through the process of alcohol fermentation is yeast (Madur, 2009). As a unicellular fungus, yeast is also an example of a facultative anaerobe, which depicts an organism with [continues] Materials and Methods In determining the effect of the nature of substrates on rate of cellular respiration, smith fermentation tube method was done. In this method, six smith fermentation tubes were obtained. This special tube has a closed vertical arm which extends into a bulbous portion with tapered opening as seen in Figure 5b. 15 ml of the following solutions, all at 10% concentration, were poured to the respective tubes: 1- starch, 2 – lactose, 3 – sucrose, 4 – glucose, 5 – fructose, 6 – distilled water. 15 ml distilled water and 15 ml 10% yeast suspension was then added to each tube. The mixtures were shaked gently and assured to have no bubbles trapped at the closed end. If there were bubbles, it will be removed by covering the opening with the palm of one hand and tilting the tube horizontally. The openings of the tubes were plugged with cotton balls. The tubes were tied together at their vertical arms to keep them upright and were set aside where the will not b e disturbed. All CO2 evolved will be trapped in the vertical arm and the height of the area occupied by the CO2 evolved were measured every five minutes for thirty minutes. The volume of the gas evolved and the rate of CO2 evolution were computed. The rate of CO2 evolution was computed by the amount of CO2 evolved over time and the volume of the gas evolved was computed by the formula: Volume = pir2h whereas pi= 3.14 r= radius of the smith fermentation tube (cm) h= height of the area occupied by the CO2 evolved (cm) Computed results were tabulated. A graph of volume of CO2 evolved and time elapsed was then plotted and analyzed.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
What is budget system in an organisation
What is budget system in an organisation In this high competition market place today, every company need a planning and control tool to act faster to increase competitive advantage. Budget is the tool to plan, monitor and control daily activities to meet organisation goal with effectively and efficiently. The toolkit will help you plan, develop and use budgets effectively in your organisation. If you have a sound understanding of the principles of budgeting, you will be well on the way to sound financial management. If you use this toolkit in conjunction with other toolkits, as indicated, you will increase the capacity of your organisation to manage its finances effectively. You will also increase its ability to survive through foresight and planning. In this assignment is to discuss what is budget system in an organisation, how the organisation uses it as tool to plan and control company expenses and expected revenue. We have chosen to make a case study about the budget process in London Biscuits Sdn Berhad. We will discuss budgeting system in this company and how to improve effectiveness of existing system. London Biscuits Sdn Berhad is a home grown Malaysian company. Main products are corn base snacks and layer cake. London Biscuits product can be found in Malaysia and 65 markets, worldwide. Its main oversea markets are China, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam and Middle East country. As a pioneer in the cake products segment locally, London Biscuits has fine-tuned the process of making cakes with long shelf life, of 8-12 months, without refrigeration. Budget What is budget; according to business dictionary define as estimate of cost, revenue and resources over a specified period, reflecting a managements reading of future financial condition. The CIMA definition of budget is a quantitative statement, for a defined period of time, which may include planned revenues, expenses, asset, liabilities and cash flows (Dyson, 1997). In other words, budgeting is the process of translating financial resources into human purposes (Wildavsky, 1986). Budgeting is also viewed as a process of identifying, gathering, summarising and communicating financial information of an Organizations future activities. Blumentritt (2006) further explained that budgeting processes include a review and study of the prior periods financial results, projections for sales, operating expenses (fixed, variable, and semi-variable) and Financing expenses, examination of proposals for capital expenditures, and means of rolling up and rationalizing figures from different functional departments to ensure they meet company-wide profit expectations. Hence, budget is a statement of financial position that an organisation would like to achieve. A well planned budget can lead company to achieve company goal successfully. It is managerial control tool to plan and control future expenses, profit and resources allocation in a certain period normally in 1 year advance. In order to have a realistic and good budget, there are few factor need to be considered before we draw up: Assign right person to draw up the budget. The person in change need to heavily involve in the entire exercise. Predictive ability is the must. He or she need to clear about organisation activities as well as the possible income and expenditure. Clear channel of communicate, authority and responsibity Objective and procedure or guidelines of budget must be clear can be implemented in the budget. Accounting generated accurate, reliable and timely information Compatibility and understandility of information Support at all levels of the organisation, upper, middle and lower Budgets consider external factors, such as market trends, economic conditions, and the like. allow for changing circumstances History of budget The budget only is used for governmental setting during agriculture ware. In industrial wave, budget had been use in large company as management control tool to plan and control their business. In 1960, budget is recognized as effective way to centralize company operation under top management. When come into information wave, high expectation from customer, competitors not only from own country but is worldwide comparison, decentralise the business is one of solution in order for company can react faster. When business management style change from centralize to decentralise, company need to change budget system to meet company objective. Hence, traditional budgeting like incremental budget be replace to zero base budgeting and other modern budgeting is begin implement to follow company direction. Method of budget also change from top down (centralise) to bottom up budgeting (decentralise). The order new budgeting system like rolling budget, balance score card, activity base budgeting and beyond budgeting are start implement in some company to improve effective and efficiency of organisation. Purpose of budget As planning tool Budgeting plan and allocate fund to achieve company goal. Manager need to formulate business strategies to achieve company goal with arrange resource allocation e.g machinery, fund, staff changes, scheduling production and operating company in advance. Mean that budget use as tool to link company objective with company resource to allow for thinking how to make operations and resource more productive and efficiently. Budget is a plan to provide the overall picture to manager for status of company resource, expected income and expenses. It is a better money management skill by creating structured plan. Thurs, manager can prevent problem before they arise. All financial statements should be written in terms of the budget so that it is easier to be transparent and accountable and to ensure that no money is spent on costs that you have not budgeted for. So manager have not establishes guidelines in the form of a road map to proceed in the right direction. Communication tool Budgeting process is involving every departments in a organisation. Team work is required to completed a budget. In other word, budget as aids coordination between departments to attain efficiency and productivity. Indirectly budgeting process can improves working realationships. It as coordination of top management with media and lower lever at organisation. Delegation tool Improves managerial decision making because emphasis is on future events and associated opportunities Encourages delegation of responsibility and enables managers to focus more on the specifics of their plans and how realistic the plans are, and how such plans Monitor and control Budget is allows management to monitor, control, and direct activities within the company. Manager can compare budget plan with actual result and points out deviations. Investigation and corrective action will be taken. Therefore, management can aware of problem faced by lower levels. action can be taken earlier before result worse. Motivation Employees participate in the budgeting process able to motivating them to perform in line with the company goal. The feeling in involvement in the process able to enhance motivation. Additionally, expected profit or cost reduction planned in the budget may motivate manager to achive. And those meeting budget target, incentive will given as motivational device. The budget planning and control process The budget process used by a company should suit its needs, be consistent with its organisation structure and take into account human resource. The budgetary process establishes goal ad policies, formulate, limits, enumerate resource need, examines specific requirements provide flexibit, incoparates and consider constraints. ( ) Hence, budget process is start from the company goal with determines the overall or strategic goals and strategic of business, which are then translated into specific long term goals, annual budgets, and operation plans. Setting financial goals is the starting point in the budgeting process. Examples: earnings growth, cost minimization, sales, prod volume, return investment and quality. Once short term goal of company had been set, manager need analysing available resources, forecasting profit and expected cost à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. manager can base on history or past experience to estimate cost like capital cost, staffing cost, operation cost and organisation cost. And estimate revenue like usually is generate from sales income. Therefore, sales budget is first budget to be plan then following with cost budget. Those estimate figure will be put in the budget format according to company needed. Finally compare revenue and expense projections. First draf of budget will sudmit to top management to obtain approval. Top manager will evaluate the budget with company objective. If budget is realistic and meet the company goal or target. It will be implemented, distributed and coordinated among different functional department. If budget is rejected, necessary adjustments to the budget, check your calculations once again and resubmit for approval again. The budget is the most important tool you have for monitoring the finances of your organisation, project or department. You use the budget to monitor income and expenditure to see whether or not you are on target; report how you are doing financially to your staff, board and donors;do cash flow projections and make financial decisions.() Comparisons of actual income and expenditure against the budgeted income and expenditure need to be done regularly. Variance report need to be prepare if any. There are 2 variance result: Interpreting the result: Favourable = actual is better than planned then it is a positive variance Adverse= actual is worse than planned then it is a negative variance Investigate and corrective action need to be taken. Budget process in London Biscuit ( LB) London Biscuit top management group will start to plan the next year budget on every year end. That top management group include CEO, COO and head of department. They will have the pre budget meeting to set the next year target or short term objective need to meet by next year. Target and short term objective are link to company goal. For example, LB plans to open new market at USA. So short term objective will be develop new product and survey the USA market. Therefore, company may decide to spend more money to invest at RD and having market survey for USA food market. They will only set the target to organisation, and let staffs collect relevant information will influence next year target. Therefore, method of budget in LB is bottom up budgeting. Finance department is department to lead and compile budget to master budget. Same with common company, budget will start from sales budget. Sales team start with constructing prognoses and environment analysis. They need to include the objective or target had been set by top management. For example they may need to achieve 10% of total sales growth on next year. Sales department at LB is delegate base on area sales. Account dept will help to provide sales history for past few years to predict future sales performance. Statistical analysis will be performed by each area sales managers. Simple calculation Statistical analysis can be averages based on past sales to identify trends that can be extrapolated into the future. This is call incremental budgeting. In this case, top management is set yearly target for sales dept is 10% of inscreasment of total sales. Hence, managers will base on past year record and forecasting 10% increase sales figure. After sales budget be approved by sales director, it will be distribute to related department to continue plan the expenses will be incur to procure estimate sales figure. There are 2 type of main organisation expense; operation cost and administration cost. In LB there are few dept in charge of operation cost: Production, engineering, QA and QC and supply chain departments. Production budget included unit of product need to be produced to meet sales target qty. Example: budgeted sales volume on Jan 2011 is 10,000 carton of pie cake, production manager need to base on this figure to estimate how many direct labour, machinery cost, utilises cost and so on. QA QC need budgeting how many instruments to support production output checking before pass the output to shipment. Common instrument include in the LBs QA QC is pass sticker, scale and manpower needed as well. Supply Chain manager budgeting direct material cost base on budgeted sales target. The required raw materials are computed to meet the production schedule which planned base on the sales target. According to policy of LB, less than 5 % of raw material inventory can be planned. SCM manager is considering the material pricing increase factor during budgeting. Administration cost are non-operational costs and will include things such as marketing, human resources, rents and vehicle costs as well as general administration HR admin manager in LB prepare the indirect labour budgeting. It includes training cost estimation, general overhead, office maintenance cost à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Account manager budgeting the general office cost like IT is one of supported dept in the LB. IT manage handle all the IT intructment. He need to budget those equipment like computer, printer or other related need. After all the departmental budget and sales budget is done, finance dept as accountable to compile these budgets into master budget. Finance controller will compare revenue and expense projections and verify budgeted result in line with the LB short term objective. In case finance controller found that any contingency budgeted result, department manager is request to revise and submit budget again. Else, master budget will submit to CEO and COO for final approval. Once Master budget is approved, it will distribute, communicate and implemented in LB. Each department manager need to explain detail to subordinates and monitor the result from time to time. Budget control in LB Finance department and department managers take important role in controlling parts. Each department managers are assigning as budget committee. Quarterly management meeting will be held in LB for follow up and monitor budgeting purpose. Finance controller need to liaising between the budget committee and managers responsible for budget preparation. Finance controller is core person in the budgeting control as he have to provide training to budget committee, ensure budget dateline is meet and dealing with budget problem. According to finance controller at LB the reason why budget meeting only held quarterly is some department manager like sales manager will be outstation and seldom in the office to join the meeting. But department managers need to submit monthly report every early of the month to finance department. Account department also will provide history of income and expenses to finance department for verify purpose. Master budget in Lb is break into monthly report. They call it as Monthly Budget value report. This report includes all budgeted and actual income and expenses in a month. Comparison of actual and budgeted figure need to be shown in the standard format which fix by finance controller. This shows you, month by month, where you are over-spending, under-spending or on target. For that variance more than RM5000, explanation and variance report needed. This report outline the cause of significant variance, propose remedial action and any other significant matter. An analysing report provided finance controller base on variance report to analysing and foresee what impact for master budgets is. Current financial status Analysis of budget changes Financial position to date In month financial position Trend analysis by month Main cause of variance Estimate end of year position Suggestion action or corrective action In some cases that prove the budgeted figure is unrealistic, budget is request to revise. First month Year-to-date Budget Actual Budget Actual Revenue Sales Cost recovery Interest from investment Total income Expenditure Project 1 Project 2 Directorate Operational costs Organisational costs Staffing costs Total expenditure That department budget with significant deviation will be issue short cause letter and variance report from finance depart. They need to follow the action plan and act accordingly. Audit will be held from time to time from finance dept to ensure they are complying accordingly. Budget system Types of budget Marketing Budget The marketing budget is an estimate of the funds needed for promotion, advertising, and public relations in order to market the product or service. Project Budget The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular company project. These costs include labor, materials, and other related expenses. The project budget is often broken down into specific tasks, with task budgets assigned to each. Budgets can be classified according to Time, Function, and Flexibility. ACCORDING TO TIME: 1. Long Term Budget 2. Short Term Budget 3. Current Budget 4. Rolling budget ACCORDING TO FUNCTION: 1. Sales Budget 2. Production Budget 3. Cost of Production Budget 4. Purchase Budget 5. Personnel budget 6. R D Budget 7. Capital Expenditure Budget 8. Cash Budget 9. Master Budget ACCORDING TO FLEXIBILITY: 1. Fixed Budget 2. Flexible Budget Cotrolling A budget Budgetary control is defined by CIMA as the establishment of budgets relating the responsibilities of executives to the requirements of a policy, and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results, either to secure by individual action the objective of that policy, or to provide a basis for its revision. Budgetary control is a system of controlling costs and resources which includes comparing actual performance with the budgeted performance and subsequently acting upon the actual results to minimise variance and achieve maximum returns. In essence, budgetary control is purported to ensure that the activities carried out are providing the desired results. Monitored using variance analysis Good Writing a budget require target to be set- every1 know what need to achive, concentrates wokers mind on what gas to be done Depart have to communicate Problem can be identifiend before it is too late unacceptable By comparing a bugest wuth the actually happened a bunisess can identify weak area. Useful tools in allocting resoures e.g machinery, employee, makinf staff changes, scheduling prod and operating business Their creation can also be used as a motivational tool. The plan can be used as a means of evaluation and control as well as a resource for information and decision-making. A Bad Inaccurate unrealistic budgets will be ingoned It can restrict business activity which may lose the firm business If budgets are impose upon people there is little incentive for them to stick to target If 1 of dept not focus to B, whole master b will be effected. Lack of training Long lead to plan The signs of budget weaknesses must be spotted so that corrective action may be taken. Such signs include: Managerial goals are off target or unrealistic. There is management indecisiveness. The budget takes too long to prepare. Budget preparers are unfamiliar with the operations being budgeted and do not seek such information. Budget preparers should visit the actual operations firsthand. Budget preparers do not keep current. The budget is prepared using different methods each year. The What and Why of Budgeting / 15 Exhibit 1.3 XYZ Company Divisional Performance Evaluation Net Income Net Sales There is a lack of raw information going into the budgeting process. There is a lack of communication between those involved in budgeting and operating personnel. The budget is formulated without input from those affected by it. This will likely result in budgeting errors. Further, budget preparers do not go into the operations field. Managers do not know how their budget allowances have been assigned or what the components of their charges are. If managers do not understand the information, they will not perform their functions properly. The budget document is excessively long, confusing, or filled with unnecessary information. There may be inadequate narrative data to explain the numbers. Managers are ignoring their budgets because they appear unusable and unrealistic. Managers feel they are not getting anything out of the budget process. Changes are made to the budget too frequently. Significant unfavorable variances are not investigated and corrected. These variances may also not be considered in deriving budgeted figures for next period. Further, a large variance between actual and budgeted figures, either positive or negative, that repeatedly occurs is an indicator of poor budgeting. Perhaps the budgeted figures were unrealistic. Another problem is that after variances are identified, it is too late to correct their causes. Further, variance reporting may be too infrequent. There is a mismatching of products or services. A budget can be disadvantageous because: A budget promotes gamesmanship in that those managers who significantly inflate requests, knowing they will be reduced, are in effect rewarded by getting what they probably really wanted. A budget may reward managers who set modest goals and penalize those who set ambitious goals that are missed. There is judgment and subjectivity in the budgeting process. The What and Why of Budgeting / 19 Managers may consider that budgets redirect their flexibility to adjust to changing conditions. A budget does not consider quality and customer service. Conclusion Activity Duration Future-proof the council 10 days Define the required outcomes and their relationships 15 days Define measures and set bases and targets 20 days Assess risks and allocate rewards at the corporate level 10 days Total 55 days Recommends Understandable and attainable. Flexibility and innovation is needed to allow for unexpected contingencies. Provide more opportunities for staff to join. Sometimes it is necessary to have two different budgets for your organisation. One as the ideal budget that you would like to have and a second one as a minimum budget of the money that is absolutely necessary for your organisation to survive. Often when your draw up the ideal budget, your are not yet sure that your will get all the money your need and a minimum budget will help you to decide which costs can be cut, if your dont manage to raise the necessary funds. A computer should be used to make quick and accurate calculations, keep track of projects instantly, and make proper comparisons. Shortened planning and budgeting cycles.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Enabled better decision making.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Reduced total cost of the processes.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Improved credibility and quality of outputs.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Planned and relocated budgets based on material events.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Increased user participation with frequent real-time updates.Ć¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Raised ownership and accountabilityĆ¦Ãƒâ€žÃ¢â‚¬ ¦ Aligned individual, department and business unit plans with company ojb. There are a number of advantages to budgeting and budgetary control:  · Compels management to think about the future, which is probably the most important feature of a budgetary planning and control system. Forces management to look ahead, to set out detailed plans for achieving the targets for each department, operation and (ideally) each manager, to anticipate and give the organisation purpose and direction.  · Promotes coordination and communication.  · Clearly defines areas of responsibility. Requires managers of budget centres to be made responsible for the achievement of budget targets for the operations under their personal control.  · Provides a basis for performance appraisal (variance analysis). A budget is basically a yardstick against which actual performance is measured and assessed. Control is provided by comparisons of actual results against budget plan. Departures from budget can then be investigated and the reasons for the differences can be divided into controllable and non-controllable factors.  · Enables remedial action to be taken as variances emerge.  · Motivates employees by participating in the setting of budgets.  · Improves the allocation of scarce resources.  · Economises management time by using the management by exception principle. Problems in budgeting Whilst budgets may be an essential part of any marketing activity they do have a number of disadvantages, particularly in perception terms.  · Budgets can be seen as pressure devices imposed by management, thus resulting in: a) bad labour relations b) inaccurate record-keeping.  · Departmental conflict arises due to: a) disputes over resource allocation b) departments blaming each other if targets are not attained.  · It is difficult to reconcile personal/individual and corporate goals.  · Waste may arise as managers adopt the view, we had better spend it or we will lose it. This is often coupled with empire building in order to enhance the prestige of a department. Responsibility versus controlling, i.e. some costs are under the influence of more than one person, e.g. power costs.  · Managers may overestimate costs so that they will not be blamed in the future should they overspend. Conclusion 2. Dyson, J. R., 1997. Accounting for Non-Accounting Students. 4th ed. London: Pearson Professional Limited.
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