Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Life in Ireland & Typhoid Fever Essay
During the 1930s in Ireland, the majority of the people lived in the countryside. There were several late marriages and high birth-rates in the rural areas of Ireland at this time. Numerous people from Ireland were immigrating to England because of overcrowding and poor economic conditions. Ireland was also fighting an economic war with Britain at this time. Some popular forms of entertainment in Ireland were cinema, cross-road dancing, and sports. 2.There are several similarities to the poem about the highwayman and the story of Patricia and Frankie. In â€Å"The Highwayman†Bess, the landlord’s daughter was not allowed to talk to the highway man because of her father. This is similar to â€Å"Typhoid Fever†because Frank and Patricia were not allowed to talk to each other because the nuns and nurses wouldn’t allow it because of their diseases. Another similarity is that Bess dies in â€Å"The Highwayman†and Patricia dies in â€Å"Typhoid Fever†. It also seemed as if Frank was falling in love with Patricia, like how the thief had fallen in love with Bess. In â€Å"Typhoid Fever†Frank stated, â€Å"I’d love to do that myself, come by moonlight for Patricia in the next room not giving a hoot though hell should bar the way.†My inference of this line was that Frank felt that his relationship with Patricia was similar to the thief’s relationship with Bess. 3.Frank McCourt was able to re-create the voice of a 10-year-old boy in â€Å"Typhoid Fever†because the events described in â€Å"Typhoid Fever†were of his own. â€Å"Typhoid Fever†came from a memoir Frank had written, which was called Angela’s Ashes. A memoir is a biography or an account of historical events, especially one written from personal knowledge. I also think Frank McCourt was able to re-create the voice of a 10-year-old boy because of how he had the main character act and talk. For example, when Patricia asks how old he is and appears disappointed when he says ten, Frank says, â€Å"But I’ll be eleven in August, next month.†Usually children want to be perceived as older. So when you ask a child how old they are, they usually are very exact, saying the year and month. Another example form the story is how Frank reacts when Patricia mimics the nun. In the story it says, â€Å"Then Patricia whispers, Give thanks, Francis, give thanks, and say your rosary, Francis and I laugh so hard a nurse runs in to see if I’m all right.†If an adult had heard Patricia mimic the nun they would be able to control their laughter enough so that the nurse would not have heard anything.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Coffee Bean Essay
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was founded by Mona and Herbert Hyman and it is established in Los Angeles, California in the year 1963. The first Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf were established here in Malaysia in 1997. The company offers a wide variety of its own signature beverages that ranges from coffee to non-coffee drinks and launched their very own signature drink; â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†in 1989 and has been the main highlight of its company ever since. We will take a look into the possibility of bringing in a new product that could be a mainstay for the Ice Blended range that is already available here in Malaysia. Currently, the range of its Ice Blended drinks is limited to several coffee and non-coffee drinks. Although from time to time Coffee Bean has been introducing promotional and seasonal Ice Blended drinks, none of these drinks will be served in the main menu after that the promotion is over. With this. Although a majority of Malaysians like to drink coffee oriented drinks, With the introduction of the Honeydew Ice Blended to the market, it will help boost the challenge of bringing in new flavors for the market. Situation Analysis The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is entering its fifteenth year of operation in Malaysia with many of its products ranging from its well known â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†beverages which carries coffee and non-coffee drinks have been well received by the public. However. 2.2 SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses for the proposed product and describes the opportunities and threats that it will face. 2.2.1 Strength The Honeydew Ice Blended drink is offered during the summer seasons and it is well known as the refreshing summer drink in United States. With summer all year long in the South East Asia region, this product has also been proven as a main-stay in the Philippines and Singapore’s The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. This product carries a cool, chilling and refreshing sweet taste which suits the pallets of the South East Asian region. 2.2.2 Weaknesses This product may not be suitable for coffee drinkers as the drink does not offer any coffee taste and it’s a fruit oriented drink. It’s also not suitable for those who are watching their calories and diet as the drink carries a high calorie range due to the sweetness and the cream that the drink offers. As this product targets the youth which comprises of teens and working adults in their twenties, some may be price sensitive to this beverage offer as it may be expensive compared to the local. 2.2.3 Opportunities Younger generations, whom fell under the legal drinking age, are known as one of the fastest-growing segments of the beverages market. These generations prefer fresh and upcoming products rather than stagnant products that they have consumed daily. With a brand new product being introduced, it will trigger the targeted younger generation with the enthusiasm to go. The lifestyle factors converger. 2.2.4 Threats Global coffee and tea market have been increasingly growing and it has since been an extremely competitive sector. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf goes up against its closest rivals such as Starbucks, Dome, Cha Time and Old Town Cafà © here in Malaysia. Competition The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has been a powerhouse brand in providing its ice blended beverages. However, there are companies that do make similar ice blended beverages such as Starbucks and Cha Time. The Coffee Bean & Tea Lead has the upper hand because of the creation of the â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†line which gives the company the extra edge. Although the mentioned competitors have been making ice blended beverages, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has its own signature way of making these beverages special and cannot be matched with its competitors. Â
Monday, July 29, 2019
An Overview of the Pathogens Biology in the Immune System
An Overview of the Pathogen's Biology in the Immune System The Immune system is the body’s overall defense system against harm causing invaders, that come from the outside world, that are able to inter the body one way or another. The immune system is not an organ or two that do all the work, but rather a network of parts all throughout the body that works with other bodily systems to fight off viruses, diseases, infections, and anything that the immune system knows does not belong in the body. A pathogen is any organism or virus that can cause a disease after entering the body. The first line of defense against pathogens are external barriers such as the skin. The nose has nostril hairs act like a filter for elements entering the body through the nose. The nose can also fill with mucus that can exit the body to get rid of any pathogens that might enter the nostrils. The eyes have eye lashes that can wave away pathogen’s when a person blinks. The average person blinks about 16 times a minute. That is typically enough to keep out pathogens floating in the nearby air. According to Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 4th Edition (2012): External barriers also include chemical defenses in the form of antimicrobial secretions. Sweat, saliva, and tears contain enzymes that disrupt bacterial cell walls. Glands produce oils and acids that make the skin inhospitable to many microbes. Concentrated stomach acid kills most of the bacteria we swallow before they can enter the bloodstream. (p. 518) External barriers make up the first line of defense. When a pathogen does make it passed the barriers, it is now up to the internal immune system to fight it off. This is the second line of defense. Phagocytic cells are white blood cells that are able to consume foreign cells or pathogens, thus killing them. Another type of white blood cell that can kill off pathogens or infected cells are NK cells, or natural killer cells. These NK cells will discharge chemicals that kill infected cells. The body has another natural defense, which are defensive proteins. When a virus is successful in infecting a cell, the cell may release interferon molecules. These interferon molecules bind themselves to nearby healthy cells. The binding of interferon molecules to healthy cells prompts the healthy cell to produce antiviral proteins. Other natural defensive proteins that our immune system creates are complement proteins, which attack pathogens directly. (Simon, 2012, p. 519) The lymphatic system is a system of vessels and many lymph nodes that are crammed within white blood cells. Other lymphatic system organs include the tonsils, thymus, and the spleen. â€Å"The two main functions of the lymphatic system are to return tissue fluid to the circulatory system and to fight infection.†(Simon, 2012, p. 520) The lymphatic system works in conjunction with the circulatory system. For example, when someone gets a paper cut from a dollar bill, the dollar bill introduces bacteria into and under the skin. The first line of defense has already been penetrated. The lymphatic system will pick up on chemical signals that the skin has been torn, then send white blood cells via the arteries of the circulatory system to the paper cut site. The white blood cells will engulf the bacteria and cell debris, allowing the tissue to heal. If all the above fail to keep the body healthy, there is also a third line of defense, called adaptive defenses. â€Å"Adaptive defenses depend on white blood cells called lymphocytes that recognize and respond to specific invading pathogens.†(Simon, 2012, p. 521) These lymphocytes blood cells are triggered only after exposure to specific pathogens. The innate defenses are constantly prepared to combat a variation of infections, but lymphocytes must be primed by exposure to a foreign molecule. Any molecule that elicits a response from a lymphocyte is called an antigen. (Simon, 2012, p. 521). There are two types of lymphocytes cells, the first one is called the B-cell, and the second one is called the T-cell. One very interesting thing about this cells is how they develop. Both B-cells and T-cells form within bone marrow. The B-cells grow to maturity in the bone marrow, but the T-cells start in the bone marrow and are transported via blood to the thymus to finish growing to maturity. Paul A. Linnemeyer wrote: Macrophages are important in the regulation of immune responses. They are often referred to as scavengers or antigen-presenting cells (APC) because they pick up and ingest foreign materials and present these antigens to other cells of the immune system such as T cells and B cells. This is one of the important first steps in the initiation of an immune response. Stimulated macrophages exhibit increased levels of phagocytosis and are also secretory. (p. 1) It is very important the that the immune system functions well for the health of all human internal systems. If a pathogen that infected the digestive system entered the body and the immune system was not able to fight it off, it could cause damage to the digestive system to the point where the body could not digest food and therefore not get the nutrients needed to keep the body alive. If a pathogen that infected the respiratory system got into the body and the immune system could not fight off, it could affect the body’s ability to oxygenate its cells and cause the death of the person even though the pathogen itself may not be able to cause death. Likewise with the circulatory system. This clearly shows that a healthy immune system is a critical system to have, to keep internal systems healthy, which in turn keep the person healthy. As a result of having a low immune function, your body would have a harder time fighting off virus such as the cold and flu viruses, causing the symptoms to last longer. Infections can cause damage to the immune system, which further inhabits resistance to pathogens. HIV is a virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) There are treatments for AIDS, but no cures. People living with AIDS tend to have to change their life style. When someone first finds out that they are HIV positive there can be a wide range of feelings including of anger, sadness, depression fear, anxiety. This can cause much stress or the carrier of the HIV virus and their families. In some cases having or treating AIDS can affect the brain. This can cause clumsiness, sudden shifts in behavior, difficulty paying attention, and forgetfulness, among other problems. (University of California, August 03, 2011) In conclusion, The immune system is one of the most important systems in the human body. The immune system can interact with other bodily systems in a variety of ways. The immune system has three primary lines of defense, the exterior barriers, the internal innate defenses, and the internal adaptive defenses. Without an immune system, humans would die very easily due to many things. But with an immune system, humans can hope to survive and thrive despite the many things that can infect them.
The Medium And Its Impact On The Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Medium And Its Impact On The Society - Essay Example There are a lot of serious defenders and critics of McLuhan’s ideas, and, in my opinion, all of them are right to a greater or lesser extent, although, after my reading of McLuhan’s works and of some discussions around it, I should confess that I could agree with his aphorism: â€Å"The Medium Is the Message†. In this essay, I give several points to explain my opinion. First of all, I would not adjoin those people who understand the meaning of the McLuhan’s work too literally, focusing mostly on the conventional significance of term â€Å"medium†in relation to mass-media communications and the meaning of â€Å"message†only as information. Such understanding, in my opinion, leads to misapprehension or, at least, to a superficial comprehension of McLuhan’s ideas – it does not allow to go beyond simple conclusions that communication technologies are more important (in some miraculous way) than information or content, which technologies transmit, and hence information can be disregarded. In this sense I agree with McLuhan who expresses his harsh opinion as follows: I consider, that according to McLuhan, the â€Å"media†should be understood in more broad, complex meaning – as â€Å"extension of man†, as any phenomenon (social or technological) that can cause structural changes influencing man’s mode of existence. Fishman (2006) also emphasizes that McLuhan treats media as â€Å"extensions of an individuals capabilities and attributes †¦ [and] extension of the mind. These media create perceptual environments, and these environments influence what kind of facts are privileged as important, and what type of stimuli are ignored or overlooked†(p.2). McLuhan (2003) corroborates it: All human inventions, innovations, and ideas are media, according to McLuhan.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Math 157 course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Math 157 course - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that mathematics is a fundamental tool that is used to solve puzzles occurring in nature. Thus teaching mathematics not only provided learners with a useful concept but also problem-solving strategies. Data analysis is a fundamental concept that we covered in the first week through the course. This involves processes used to inspect, clean and model data to derive useful information. In this context, data refers to raw information obtained from the field or a real experiment. Real data is more complex than data used for class practice. Complexities of real data required us to apply data analysis software such as SPSS and Stata. Moreover, data collection is a costly procedure and, therefore, statisticians require the knowledge of probability. The concept of probability explains the outcomes of random events and the likelihood of certain occurrences. These concepts are useful in determining samples in a field study or a survey. The concep ts of probability are established on the existence of a sample space consisting of possible outcomes and ratios that represent each possibility. For example, a coin tossing experiment has two outcomes and a sample space sample S = {H, T}, with P (H) =P (T) =  ½. In the third, fourth and fifth week we covered the concepts of geometry. Geometry provides essential mathematical concepts that are used to describe the size, shape and relative position of an object.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Traditional Absorption Costing versus Activity Based Costing Assignment
Traditional Absorption Costing versus Activity Based Costing - Assignment Example In fact Geri and Ronen (2005) indicate that cost accounting systems do not normally command a high ranking in the hierarchy of most organisations, it is the information that they generate that plays a critical role in the performance of organisations and in the decision making process. The range of systems available and the claims made by the proponents of each have led to several debates. However, some of the arguments have some merits in as much as they allow for a better understanding of the methods that are being utilised. Some of the techniques and systems in use are of traditional management accounting domain while others are of the more recent strategic management accounting domain. Some of the criticisms that have been put forward in relation to traditional systems are that they fail to provide the necessary information that would improve the strategic decision making process (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987; Bromwich and Bhimani, 1989; Roslender and Hart, 2003). Suggestions like th ese are based on the perceived inability of the traditional systems to provide information that would make the organisation more competitive and therefore improve long run performance. In fact, Benjamin et al (2009) indicates that the inefficiencies of traditional systems especially in the area of absorption costing in coping with modern business environments have been of great concern. The gaps that are thought to exist as well as changes in the manufacturing industry including the move from being labour intensive to being capital intensive have provided the impetus for innovation in this very critical area of business (Benjamin 2009; Chenhall 2003; Lukka and Shields 1999). Johnson and Kaplan (1987) indicate that this change can be found in the application of ABC to manufacturing concerns. This paper looks at two forms of full costing systems - traditional absorption costing and the more recent activity based costing (ABC). Both methods take a different approach in assigning cost t o products. 1.1 Absorption costing Absorption costing has it roots in the manufacturing industry (Benjamin et al 2009). BPP (2011) indicates that the objective of this method of costing is to include an appropriate share of an entity’s overheads in the cost of a product. What is appropriate should be reflective of the time and effort that was used in the production of the product. The method becomes complicated when an organisation produces a mix of products and activities or resources used do not bear any relationship with the volume of items produced. Geri and Ronen (2002) indicates that the use of this method requires the allocation of a proportional rate of the fixed cost of production to units produced but which has not yet been sold (Geri and Ronen 2005). 1.2 Activity Based Costing Activity based costing (ABC) was developed as an alternative to absorption costing. (BPP 2011). This method of costing identifies the cost drivers of the activities of an entity’s prod uction process. Overheads are then charged to products based on how they utilise a particular activity. 2.0 Literature Review This review while critically assessing the literature examines the features of two costing methods and looks at the justification for their use. It also provides a comparison while it examines the advantages and disadvantages of using
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sociological Perspectives on Students and Families Essay
Sociological Perspectives on Students and Families - Essay Example The individuals look for its support at precarious state of affairs, and hence remain in strong bondage and constant connection with the family throughout their life. The family is the basic building block of society because it performs important function such as conferring social position and regulating social activity. To most family members the family is a haven in a heartless world. (Macionis, 2007) Before the arrival and advancement of industrialization, there existed the concept of extended family set up, where blood relations including grandparents, parents, real uncles and aunts, and children were considered the part of one family unit. However, rapid industrialization has given birth to the concept of nuclear family structure, where husband, wife and children are regarded as one family unit. Additionally, the individuals have got the way of living together as couples without marriage in modern times, which have popularized the concept of single parenthood in the western soci eties of contemporary world. Child rearing and socialization of the young ones is viewed as the most imperative obligation of a family. Initially, man enters the informal learning process at home while having interaction with parents and siblings.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Case Study Example takeholder include the Government; UNICEF; National Health Committee; NGOs; school teachers; local leaders; national television; media; village sanitation committees; private sector; and households. Responsibilities for stakeholders have been clearly defined in project plans. Impoverished communities around the world suffer from unique problems. Singleton (2003) described origins of problems including lack of access to safe water; lack of facilities for health care; lack of access to educational opportunities; shortage of nutrition; lack of employment opportunities; inadequate transport facilities; and limited or expensive power supplies. Impoverished communities are caused by lack of income because of underemployment; inadequate housing, sanitation, and water supply; limited educational opportunities; or inadequate or expensive transport. Reasons for failure of poverty alleviation strategies include lack of planning for operation and maintenance; limited attention to the development of ownership by the local communities; political interference and intervention; allocation of funds without poverty alleviation strategy; and corruption. Myanmar suffered the deaths of 30000 children in 1997 from diarrhoea. The sanitation coverage was 39 percent for the population, and personal and domestic hygiene was poor. The World Health Report published in 2000 ranked Myanmar 190th among 191 countries. Attempts were made to improve sanitation in the 1990s by promoting community participation. A strategy was the provision of free latrine plans to families, but the project had to be phased out as it did not succeed in achieving community support and became costly. The government realized that its role was to facilitate and stimulate local communities for recognizing and meeting their own needs (Singleton, 2003). The aim of this case study is to highlight the role project governance in the development of engineering solutions for communal sanitation in Myanmar. Aspects of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Samsung Singapore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Samsung Singapore - Essay Example The strategies, projections, and future scenarios of the company are significantly reliant on the tastes, decisions, views, and preferences of the customers. A close attention to the changes in customers’ preferences and opinions is important for the survival of the business. In order to have a competitive advantage Samsung must invest in continuous research practices and maintain feedback mechanisms through social media. This would help the company to carry out necessary changes in line with the market realities. Companies in the telecommunication industry in Singapore have developed strategies for retaining both high-level and low-level clientele through promotions and improved customer care services. Suppliers In the past Samsung has had to contend with the bargaining power of suppliers. Few suppliers operate on the level of standards that meet Samsung thresholds of value. There have been tendencies of these suppliers to use their privileged positions to make arbitrary chan ges in prices, which affect the operations of Samsung precisely because there are no suitable substitutes for the products. In order to survive such eventualities, Samsung would have to cultivate positive working relations with the suppliers or enter into long-term contracts that have the element of stability. This would impact positively on the growth of the company. Economics and Geography Economic and geographical factors have had some significant impact on the performance of Samsung Singapore in the previous financial periods. The growth of the country’s economy has had significant impacts on Samsung Singapore. For instance, the tourism industry and the information and technology sectors have experienced significant growth in the past decade. One of the...56). However, new market realities have emerged demanding some changes in the way, which companies operate their businesses in. Samsung Singapore will have to carry out strategic changes in its operations in order to kee p up with the pressure of competition from emerging competitors and other macro-economic forces that affect the status of the industry. In the recent past global Samsung has taken advantage of the synergies of globalization and liberalization to spur growth and positive performance (Niewwenhuizen, 2009 p. 58). The need for strategic reorganization is based on the necessity of total quality management policies within the company. Competitors The past two decades have witnessed a consistent growth of stiff competition on the mobile telephone sub-sector in Singapore. Favourable government regulation policies and the policies of liberalization are some of the external factors that contribute to the competitive factor on the market. In order to survive, many companies have engaged in promotions, expensive advertisements, and value addition services that are aimed at increasing their influence in the vast mobile telephone market. Samsung utilizes its strong revenue base and modern market practices to maintain its profile on the competitive market environment (Adekola & Sergi, 2007). Multiple strategies ranging from strategic marketing to price modulations have also ensured the growth of the company. The process of planning cuts across the various levels of the organization.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Strategic Management and Leadership of General Motors Case Study
Strategic Management and Leadership of General Motors - Case Study Example GM, along with strategic partners manufactures automobiles and trucks in thirty-four nations, and trade and service these vehicles through its numerous brands.  Its biggest national market in the United States. China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, and Germany are the other nations which follow America in this context.  GM’s OnStar ancillary is one of the leading industries in vehicle safety, security and information facilities. On 10th July 2009, General Motors Company obtained functions from General Motors Corporation. The General Motor Corporation established its place in the automobile manufacturing industry with the manufacturing of luxurious cars, which are classy at the same time superior from the other rival manufacturers of automobiles. Due to their high brand name and reputation in the market, the cost prices of cars from General Motors are generally very high and sometimes unreachable for general customers. (Global Operations, n.d.; General Mot ors, n.d) The General Motors Corporation held the first place as an automobile manufacturing company with respect to its sales for around 77 years until; Toyota took its place in the year 2008. The downfall of the company from the number one position is due to its negligence in terms of designing new innovative cars. There was a lack of creative innovations in terms of designs as they only have done some slight or minor changes in the designs to satisfy the customers. Some are of the view that the downfall is due to the poor strategic management of the company. The company faced difficulties in coming up with the internal and external pressures, like the accessibility of loans for the customers, the pressure from the Government and Labor Unions, crisis of oil, other competitive technologies such as electric cars, etc. (Global Operations, n.d.; General Motors, n.d) These difficulties clearly suggested that the company needs to re-strategize its operations.
Inventory Introduction Essay Example for Free
Inventory Introduction Essay An Undergraduate Thesis Manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of Communication Studies of Cavite City Campus, Cavite State University, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for ITEC200A- Undergraduate Thesis Part 1 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Contribution no.___ Prepared under supervision of Mr. Norman Duarte. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, there are major changes that happened in our everyday lives. Since most of the changes are caused by the advances in technology, it is necessary for us, people to be familiar with the technological developments encountered today. Changes are inevitable and one should be able to go with the flow to stay in the business. Technology made a large contribution in the improvement of our life. Many businesses are engaging with the use of advance technology in order to become competitive. Through the use of modern technology, the work of an individual becomes easier and more accurate. The business world is fast changing that is imperative to stay ahead of the competition and empower your people with the tools and advancement that is available. The proponents noticed that the company named Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. is using the manual way for inventory of their items. Inventory system is one of the hardest and most important task in business or school transactions. Everything should be clearly and correctly stated based on the record of the company. This company which is located at Talaba IV Bacoor, Cavite started since the year of 1995. It takes time for them to search some files for the sales report because they have to do it manually. They find it hard also to retrieve those files stored in their file cabinets which they might lost because of certain chaos. See more: how to write an introduction paragraph for an essay Statement of the Problem This study seeks to create a system that would be used by businesses with regards to faster inventory transactions. This study tried to answer the following questions: 1. How to make an inventory transaction faster and more sufficient? 2. How they monitor the business performance? 3. How to make inventory of items much easier through the use of computerized inventory system? The system would help the staff of the company in terms of inventorying for much faster and efficient. It would be both beneficial to the owner especially for the buyer. To the owner, there will be a quick flow of business transactions. Significance of the Study The owners could easily check the increasing and decreasing items. The performance of the Company can also monitor through its sales report anytime needed. In addition, the program would help the owner with regards to their inventory since the monitoring stocks would be easier. Objectives of the Study Generally, the study aims to develop a system for Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. Specifically it aims to: 1. Create a Computerized Inventory System for the owner and employees of the company; 2. Make it easy monitoring the transaction and information of items. 3. Aimed to develop a Computerized Inventory System to increase a speed of service in terms of inventorying the items. 4. Monitor the performance of the company and also help the owner of the company on inventory of items in an easy and fastest way. Scope and Limitation The system was created only for the business of Homemart Builder’s Center Inc. The items will be inputted to the program through Item number. Price and quantity should also be inputted manually .It can update, delete and search information about the items. Have security featured specially to the owner’s file. The program will not include for other company’s use. The software can’t work without computer and electricity. It may not be applicable on items that do not have an Item Number or code. On the other hand, the items that do not have code will be manually inputted. Time and Place of the Study The study was conducted at Cavite State University Cavite City Campus from November 2012 to March 2013. Definition of Terms Inventory – It is the amount or value of a firm’s current assets that consist of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods; stock. System – a group or combination of interrelated, interdependent, or interacting elements forming collective entity; a methodical or coordinated assemblage of parts, facts, concept etc. Human Resource – the workface of an organization. Database – a systematized collection of data that can be accessed immediately and manipulated by a data- processing system for a specific purpose. Hardware It is a business that has metal tools, implements etc.esp cutlery or cooking utensils.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Pakistan Flood Essay Example for Free
Pakistan Flood Essay The Pakistan flood of 2010 happened on Monday the 26th July 2010 in the villages Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan. Causes The heavy rains were caused by a monsoon depression (also called a monsoon low) that formed over the Bay of Bengal on July 24, crossed over India, and reached Pakistan on July 27 Climate change – There was unusually heavy monsoon rains which caused widespread flooding in Pakistan, whilst coinciding in Russia unusually high temperatures ( resulting in a heat wave). Both of which were attributed to global warming. Poor river management Impacts Over 500,000 or more people had been displaced from their homes At least 1,540 people died, 2,088 people had received injuries and 557,226 houses had been destroyed. Infrastructure was destroyed. The Karakoram Highway, which connects Pakistan with China, was closed after a bridge was destroyed. Floodwater destroyed the health care infrastructure leaving people vulnerable to water-borne disease Millions of crops were destroyed leaving a severe shortage of food across the country Responses * petitions were immediately launched by international organisation, like the UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)– and the UN (United Nations) – to help Pakistanis hit by the floods * the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provided support in disaster management authorities to assist evacuate populations from affected areas of southern Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, * Many charities and aid agencies provided help, including the Red Crescent and Medicines Sans Frontiers * Pakistan’s government also tried to raise money to help the huge number of people affected * But there were complaints that the Pakistan government was slow to respond to the crisis, and that it struggled to cope * Foreign Governments donated millions of dollars, and Saudi Arabia and the USA promised $600 million in flood aid. But many people felt that the richer foreign governments didn’t do enough to help * The UN’s World Food Programme provided crucial food aid. But, by November 2010, they were warning that they might have cut the amount of food handed out, because of a lack of donations from richer countries Effects There were both long-term and short-term effects, they include: Short-term:- * At least 1600 people died * Aid couldn’t get through because of the failing infrastructure 45 major bridges and thousands of kilometres of roads were destroyed or badly damaged, limiting the aid supplies reaching the areas badly affected * loss of cattle resulted in loss of dairy products * Access to health care, such as maternity care was difficult due to the damaged infrastructure Long-term:- * 20 million Pakistanis were affected (over 10% of the population), 6 million needed food aid * Whole villages were swept away, and over 700,000 homes were damaged or destroyed * Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis were displaced, and many suffered from malnutrition and a lack of clean water * 5000 miles of roads and railways were washed away, along with 1000 bridges * 160,000km2 of land were affected. That’s at least 20% of the country * About 6.5 million acres of crops were washed away in Punjab and Sindh provinces Future Local authority-run disaster management forums, including local men and women were set up to assess future flood situation and created Community Rapid Response Teams to plan search and rescue activities. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) produced a plan to employ local tradesmen to help reconstruct shelters, etc which in turn provided an income for those people this will encourage the local economy to grow. Reconstructing and strengthening the irrigation band was deemed crucial to protect villages in the future. A plan to rebuild embankment and well maintain them was created.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
CSR initiatives by Mahindra, Nokia and Nestle
CSR initiatives by Mahindra, Nokia and Nestle Corporate social responsibility is the self regulated mechanism where business ensures that it supports to law, ethics and norms. Corporate Social Responsibility has been redefined throughout the years. It is an organizations mission and a guide to what the company stands for. It is also known as corporate responsibility. Social responsibility is the theory that the business should not function amorally instead of this it should work for the welfare of the society and community and the individuals. In simple way we can say CSR is all about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. CSR is the way in which the companies impact the world around them economically, environmentally and socially. CSR initiatives by Mahindra: At Mahindras, CSR means not just the sharing of our wealth, but of our time and of ourselves. Making socially responsible products, making a commitment to the community is the Corporate Social Responsibility for The Mahindra Group. Corporate Social Responsibility is not just a duty for the Mahindra Group but they say that its a way of life. Corporate social responsibility has been always a crucial part of their vision. They say that CSR is the opportunity for them. In 2005 group celebrated its 60th anniversary and pledged to dedicate 1% of its profit after tax to corporate social responsibility. Mahindra launched a special kind of Employee Social Options (ESOPs) to enable employees to involve in socially responsible activities of their choice. This programe has proved a big success. Employees at Mahindra are contributing in a significant way in the development work in villages to teaching children. They are assisting in disaster relief operations also. In fact they are trying their best in creating the better world. CSR initiatives at Mahindra focus mainly on education and health. They have their special emphasis on the girl child. Nanhi Kali is the project for the girl child. There is also a scholarship for the economically disadvantaged people named as Mahindra All India Talent Scholarship. Mahindra Group is also planning to set up two Mahindra Pride Schools. These schools will offer a variety of courses. The main emphasis will be on employability. It will also include training for Information Technology, Retail, and Automotive Engineering etc. They will provide new skills and capabilities to the weaker sections of society, particularly the scheduled castes and scheduled tribe youth. Various fields where Mahindra has taken initiatives towards corporate social responsibility are given below: Education- The Mahindra Group select education as the main tool to transform the lives of the people. In 1953,The K.C. Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) was formed to promote KCMET has provided more than Rs. 25 crores in the form of grants, scholarships and loans. (KCMET) and the Naandi Foundation is aimed at providing education to the underprivileged girl child in India. Project Nanhi Kali as explained before is also for promoting education. It is a national girl child sponsorship Child sponsorship allows an individual, typically in a developed country, to sponsor, or fund a child in a developing country until the child becomes self sufficient. This could mean financially supporting the education, health or security of the sponsored child, or in some cases .. Click the link for more information. Programme managed by the K.C. their main emphasis is on providing primary education to the girl child. Criteria for selection in Nanhi Kali programme 1. Girls who are enrolled in government schools 2. Girls whose family income is less than Rs 15,000 p.a. 3. Eldest girl child 4. Girl children with many siblings 5. Girls whose parents are illiterate 6. Girls belonging to backward communities Mahindra Mahindra was awarded the prestigious Auto Monitor Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year 2007 award for its Nanhi Kali Project at a glittering function held in Delhi. In Mumbai they have started Each One Teach One, Apnalaya, Save The Children, National Sponsorship Council, India Sponsorship Committee, Salaam Baalak Trust, S.N.D.T. Kanya Shala, Indian Association For Promotion of Adoption Child Welfare, Akanksha Foundation, Reach Foundation Action Programme (REAP), Bal-Jeevan Trust, Sunbeam, Doorstep School, Aseema, and Project Crayon. In August 2006, the KCMET and the Government of Rajasthan The Government of Rajasthan also known as the State Government of Rajasthan, or locally as State Government, is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of Rajasthan and its 30 districts. .. Click the link for more information. agreed jointly to sponsor the education of 10,000 Nanhi Kalis in Udaipur. Mid Day Meal Kitchen: The Company make a partnership with the Government of Rajasthan and Naandi Foundation for setting up of a centralised Mid Day Meal Kitchen at Govindgarh Taluka, Jaipur District, in the state of Rajasthan. Environment Mahindra Mahindra is also an environmentally conscious organization and is committed to help in maintaining the ecological balance. On the Founders Day the company launched a special campaign named Mahindra Hariyali which aims to add one million trees to Indias green cover by October 2008. Also ESOPs volunteers take up local environmental initiatives at various plants and area offices. Thus employees undertake various initiatives in environment such as: Energy Conservation Awareness Drives, Rain water harvesting, Global Warming. Arts and culture The Arts has also been an area of special focus of Mahindras social responsibility. Mahindra has instituted the Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards (META) which is Indias first dedicated theatre awards instituted by a Corporate. META will develop talent in theatre across the country. The awards will initially cover English Hindi theatre.The selection process covers four broad areas of the country, namely, North, South, East and West. Six plays selected from each region and are referred to the respective Critics Panel. Mahindra Group also plans to set up a Mahindra Academy for Excellence in Theatre. Sports: Mahindra United Football A club with of games was set up in 1950. In 1956, a group of youngsters make a Mahindra official team in the Bombay Football League. The company provided full- size football field for practice and training. Mahindra United of Mumbai is the only team in Maharashtra who win the Durand Cup twice; the second oldest trophy in the world. It is also the first team in Maharashtra to win the Harwood League and the Nadkarni Cup three times in a row. The MU won its IFA shield in Kolkata recently. Health Disaster Relief Mahindra Foundation The Mahindra Foundation has been set up to provide medical relief to the poor and needy sections of society. The foundation has helps patients suffering from cancer and heart diseases.  The Mahindra Group has also been very responsive to any disaster in India always. At the time of tsunami or the Gujarat earthquake, the Mahindra family has always provided support either by financial help or by sending vehicles and supplying material. Some of the Notable ESOPS initiatives this year were: The Lifeline Express (hospital-on-wheels) The Lifeline Express is the worlds first hospital on rails and provides free medical and surgical treatment to people suffering from polio, cataract, deafness and cleft lip. It is undertaken by the Tractor Plant in Rudrapur, where 647 surgeries were performed free of cost. AIDS Awareness Campaign started in July 2007 in nasik city. The Company feels privileged to have received the Businessworld BSR Business for Social Responsibility Award. CSR initiatives taken by Nokia: Nokia is the market leader and a global company so it takes its responsibility seriously. Nokia respects the member of the society. They believe that mobile technologies can contribute to economic growth. Many of the programs are targeted at young people and youth development by Nokia as the corporate social responsibility. For example, Nokia collaborates with the International Youth Foundation. The company also has signed a cooperative agreement with the international childrens organization Plan in Africa to raise the childrens awareness of their opportunities and rights. Nokia also engages in some other types of societal CSR such as employee volunteering, corporate giving, Nokia Data Gathering is an example of a CSR programme that Nokia is expert in mobile technologies to do good things for society. The software allows different organisations to collect data using mobile phones instead of more paper forms. Nokia looks after its employee through various employee programmes and ethical labour practices. Environmental initiatives can be taken as the part of CSR. Taking care of environment is the everyones responsibility in the company. Nokias aim is be to be leader in environmental activities. Environmental management priorities include energy efficiency, managing substance of products, and take-back of used devices for proper recycling. Nokia collaborates with stakeholders to maximize contribution in the environmental management field. For example, in 2007 Nokia initiated supplier collaboration to work on energy efficiency targets Nokia has also worked with World Wide Fund; a global conservation organization, from 2003 in order to enhance Nokias environmental performance and increasing the environmental awareness of all Nokia employees. Since January 2008 Nokia has been a member of WWFs programme Climate Savers that works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Nokia also supports Connect2Earth, a green on-line community launched by WWF. It want to make a positive impact through its product and services. Nokia aims to ensure that environmental, ethical as well as health and safety issues. Nokias CSR initiatives are given below Nokias helping hands Bridge IT Make a connection Village phones Nokias helping hands Nokia Helping Hands is an employee volunteerism program that allow employees to dedicate a maximum of two working days per year to volunteer work of their choice. The volunteer work includes building schools, collecting toys, clothes and other supplies for people in need and arranging activities for children. Through helping others it is possible to learn new skills and find new perspectives. Village phone Village Phone provides an example of a programme that targets universal access, provide access affordable telecommunications services in rural areas so boost economic development in rural communities. Accessibility is other project that provide accessibility features specifically to those people with disabilities and cognitive, sensory and physical limitations. Nokia is developing another project that will remind people to take their HIV/AIDS medicines on time. Nokia has been looking for a way to remind people on their phones that would be appropriate as well as discreet. This would allow for better monitoring and control from the side of health organizations. Bridge IT It is the result of a unique partnership between Nokia, IYF, Pearson, SEAMO Innotech and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The program uses existing information and communication technologies to access to quality education everywhere in the world. The idea is to offer young people the opportunity to education and skills development. The main objective is to deliver educational material of high quality to developing country schools through wireless technologies. Nokia has the text message technology which can be used in the programme which enables teachers and students to request and download materials from a digital library. So BridgeIT brings global educational materials into the reach of teachers and students in developing countries. Make a connection: Nokia has been cooperating with the International Youth Foundation established in 1990, is a global non-profit organisation working which empower young people to be healthy and productive. IYFs programmes help youth obtain quality education, make healthy choices, gain employability skills, and work to improve their communities. Nokia supports various youth development programme. Instead of starting completely new programmes, IYF identify those of its programmes that are working and bringing the expected benefits for participants. In 2000, Nokia and the IYF launched a global youth development initiative named as Make a Connection which is to strengthen the life skills of young people and prepare them for the future. Minimising environmental footprint Nokias environmental work is based on life cycle thinking which means that Nokia aim to minimize the environmental impact of the products throughout the operations,with the extraction of raw materials and ending with recycling, treatment of waste, and recovery of used materials. Energy efficiency Nokia make sure that devices use as little energy as possible. Nokia also work to reduce the energy consumption of the operations and agree on energy efficiency targets with the key suppliers. The future is in your hands Nokia has launched The Future is in Your Hands, which is a recycling scheme. The programme encourages customers to use special Nokia recycling bins for the disposal of old mobile phones and batteries. The phones will then be properly recycled.The move comes in addition to Nokias existing take-back scheme, which operates in Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. CSR initiatives taken by Nestle Nestle is one of Indias branded food manufacturers. Nestles approach is to create a long-term sustainable value for their consumers, customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole. It is a market leader in pretty every category. Some people say that Nestle doesnt really believe in the concept of corporate social responsibility instead they believe in the concept of creating shared value. The answer to this question is that they do believe that creating share value is one level higher than corporate social responsibility. In corporate social responsibility, they help communities and creating share value is just their way of doing business. Main CSR activities by Nestle are given below: Community Welfare Environment  Rural Development Water Safe drinking water; In India one of the major concern is the availability of clean drinking water for many communities. Approximately 200 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. Nestle India has committed to improving the situation. It believes that the first step is to create awareness in the communities. A key focus area of their Corporate social responsibility initiatives is to help provide Clean Drinking Water. Other one is to educate children in schools so that we can conserve this scarce resource. Nestle also supports local schools. It also helps in the maintenance of public parks and green belts. It facilitates blood donation camps and health awareness programs. All these initiatives strengthen the bond between Nestle and the community. Nestles main emphasis is on creating value for the public in terms of better nutrition, water, and food production. These three are the key to Nestle in building a sustainable business in the long-term. It makes a fundamental connection between shareholder value and community value. Nestle launched a series of initiatives to show its commitment in Creating Shared Value. Such as Company is launching the Nestle Healthy Kids Global Programme. The Nestle Prize, provides financial support of up to USD 461,000 to individuals, NGOs, or small enterprises who offer innovative solutions to nutritional deficiencies, access to clean water, or progress in rural development. Community Development The main business objective of nestle is to create value that can be sustained over the long term for the economy and society, using natural resources, creating growth opportunities and prosperity. The recently originated term is inclusive growth but it shows that in which thing company believes and what is it working for so that the business must be good for society, improving the quality of life of the people. The Nestle in the community model is simple. Employment: Nestle is creating direct and indirect employment knowledge, training programs and through transfer of technology. This enable people in the community to participate in economic prosperity. Nestle is continuously working with the community to understand what is needed to improve their quality of life. Nestle has been conducting dairy development programs in village to train the women in good dairy practices as well as spread awareness about personal health, hygiene, water  conservation and economic independence. Rural Development: Nestle has worked with millions of milk and coffee farmers and has make them better suppliers. It has helped them out of poverty and to prosper. Today, Nestle works directly with almost 600,000 farmers throughout the world, providing around over USD 27 million worth of microfinance in 2008. About 2.4 million people in developing countries earn their livelihoods from the Nestle supply chain. Conclusion- All the three companies are doing their best. They are taking up their corporate social responsibility seriously. Nestle believes in creating the shared value as well as doing their responsibility well. Mahindra has almost tried to do everything for the welfare of the society. Similarly Nokia is also performing well. Where Mahindra focuses on the education of girl child, Nokia and Nestle emphasize on the development of rural areas.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Love and Hate Depicted in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice Essay
Love and Hate Depicted in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice is a play both about love and hate. Shakespeare illustrates the theme of hate most prominently through the prejudices of both Christians and Jews and their behaviour towards one another. The theme of love is shown amongst the Christians, in the love of friendship and marital love. The themes are emphasised in the settings of the play, Belmont symbolising love and Venice symbolising hate. As well as this the immorality of various characters can be seen in their motives for love and hate. The entire play is centred around racial prejudices between Christians and Jews and their hate for one another. In The Merchant of Venice Shylock, the Jew, is characterised as the scapegoat, just as the Jewish have been throughout history. Shylock's prejudice and dislike for the Christians is largely based on their mistreatment of him: "Signior Antonio, many a time and oft in the Rialto you have rated me about my moneys and my usences: still have I borne it with a patient shrug, for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe. You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog. And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, and all for use of that which is mine own." (Shylock- 1,3,102-9) Shylock feels the wrath of an unequal society and is frustrated by it: "Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?" (Shylock- 3,1,54-60) Shylock's hatred for the Christians is what causes him to pursue his revenge on Antonio. This action is very significant as Shylock's business is usance and in his pursuit for reven... ...ll and is only interested in her for her wealth: "In Belmont is a lady richly left, and she is fair, and, fairer than that word, of wondrous virtues: sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages: her name is Portia; nothing undervalu'd to Cato's daughter, Brutus' Portia; nor is the world ignorant of her worth, for the four winds blow in from every coast renowned suitors." (Bassanio- 1,1,161-9) The Merchant of Venice is a play both about love and hate. This can be seen through the Jewish and Christian prejudices, the relationships between the characters and the two settings for the play, Belmont and Venice. Shakespeare often incorporated the themes of love and hate in his plays, either as the main plot, or a sub plot as such in The Merchant of Venice. Love and Hate are the backbone of the main plot, collectively they hold the story together.
Piracy In The 21st Century :: essays research papers fc
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines piracy as, â€Å"an act of robbery on the high seas or an act resembling such robbery†(885). From this we can define software piracy as an act of robbery on the information superhighway. Many people do not see it as such. Even though the average person would never consider going into a convenience store and stealing a stick of gum, many have no qualms about stealing thousands of dollars worth of software. In a study done by the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft, 43 percent of adult Canadians who were asked thought that pirating software for personal use was OK. This feeling has come about in several ways. Older computer users, with Unix backgrounds, remember many of the applications they used as freeware. Software pirating also results from users having access to freely downloadable applications, evaluation copies, and public betas. This leads users to believe that all software is free. While many downloadable app lications carry expiration dates, many companies rely on â€Å"nag messages†rather then a disabling mechanism. These messages are easily ignored and allow the user to continue use of the product (Stevenson 18). Despite these factors global software piracy rates are on the decline. However, the number of illegal applications installed continues to grow, according to the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). In 1998, 38 percent of applications in use globally were pirated, down from 49 percent in 1994. Yet, 231 million business software applications installed were pirated, 2.5 million more than in 1997. This led to an eleven billion dollar loss in revenue by software companies (Paquet). Jason Penchoff, a BSA spokesperson, states, â€Å"Software piracy affects company productivity and jobs. For every free package or unlicensed package of software, companies are losing money. If an automaker lost 38 percent of its revenue, there would be a huge outcry†(qtd. in). So how are users obtaining all this illegal software? Consumers now have the ability to purchase goods from their computer. Generally when we think of electronic commerce, we mostly think of business to consumer transactions. But one of the most rapidly growing developments in electronic commerce is the consumer-to-consumer market. The rapid growth of Internet auction sites has created shopping opportunities for online consumers that were never before available. According to SIIA’s Piracy on Internet Auction Sites, â€Å"consumer-to-consumer online auction revenue will climb from $4 billion in 1999 to more than $15 billion in 2004†(3).
Friday, July 19, 2019
John Proctor and Elizabeths Relationship Essay -- The Crucible John P
John Proctor and Elizabeth's Relationship In the beginning of the play John speaks about Elizabeth once to Abigail. Abby has said that Elizabeth was a cold and sickly wife. John says to her that she has no right to speak of his wife in such a manner and renounces the comment about her being sickly. He does not, although, dismiss Abby's charge that Elizabeth is a cold wife. But, he means it is because of him that she is this way. In the beginning of Act 2 there was a great feeling of detachment and tension in the Proctor household. We see John trying to start a conversation with Elizabeth and she only gives him short answers to please him. Then the tide turns to her questioning him and he is the one that becomes short with her because she is requesting that he go to Salem and confess that Abigail is liar. To do that, though he must confess his sin. During most of the scene they're not sure of each other. She doesn't quite trust him, but she loves him. Proctor believes himself to be an abomination in his own eyes and according to his own high standards and especiall...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me
Win! That's the last thing I did. It was amazing! At the age of 24 I had the best run of anyone. It was Sunday 1st of January, it started with a crossword. Going through the questions; one had stomped me, the question was â€Å"†6 letters down and I was clueless. Then scavenging for words â€Å"danger†was the one that stood out the most, I looked at it strangely. Wildly, the door bell rang. The few seconds that I was walking towards the door I wondered who could be here at this time, 5:00am on this frosty winter's morning. Adrenalin rushed through my body. Slowly the door creaked open like one of those murder movie. Peering out of the door I saw with my first glance a man about the same age and size as me, then looking properly I gazed again no one was there. The giant of a door shut, turning I saw that a letter sluggish glided down towards the floor. The letter, it had nothing on it just at the back a wax, red, black eagle crescent holding the letter closed. Irresolute looking, my hand slowly shaking quavering went to open the letter excited and feeling miss lead by the figure at the door. My hands where on it, opening it when I was interrupted by the phone computer and mobile ringing at the same time. Picking up the phone no one was on the other end. The computer had an email â€Å"you are invited to an annual opening of the Royal Casino.†â€Å"You will be escorted there by your personal butler.†It didn't hit me until I got over the email that, the shady figure at the door might be my butler. There was a 3 second pause in the house I thought â€Å"why was I invited to this casino if I was a nobody?†Feeling dizzy, I when to the kitchen to get a drink of water, filed 3/4 of a wine glass when realising that the letter was still in my hand. As if I was drunk I opened the letter saying†¦ The next day I woke up at about 5:31 a few seconds later the bell rang again. It was him. Looking at me with his deadly amber eyes it felt like he was peering through my very soul using some sort of supernatural powers. The butler asked me what my name was. My mouth was open for a few seconds thinking what to say before I said â€Å"Carlos.†â€Å"Sorry I couldn't properly introduce myself yesterday in the morning†â€Å"my name is Earl†the voice was an extremely posh English accent; he probably came from a long line of high respected people. Suddenly a cold wind breeze shot down my spine making me wonder why I was going to this place I had hardly played in a casino before. â€Å"We will have to go in around 30 minutes†â€Å"we have a tight schedule.†Looking at my watch I started counting it was weird, my head didn't feel right. Escorted to the car it felt like having my own 15 seconds of fame. It took us 32 minutes and a half to get there; when we reached our destination we had 3 guards outside escorting all of us in. The place was armed to the teeth with players. â€Å"Play what ever you want.†Ever player had there unique style of winning. Thinking to myself I didn't know where should I start? Rubbing my hand quickly together, I started playing. Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me. We both sat down to play, seemingly a ruthless game. Anticipating my every move he placed the money right on the jackpot. Undergoing this defeat I grow in strength raising the stakes declaring war on that man. Determine not to lose I placed a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50,000 bet on number 14 red. Lifting my hand of lead my eyes shone with light. Weirdly I became the centre of attraction putting à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 smugly in my pocket. Steering up he gave me an impregnable look, smiled and walked off towards a man in a shadow. While examining more closely standing there amber eyed butler Earl was leaning on the wall and strangely doing nothing. Slowly I proceeded towards him, when his amber eyes tried to corrupt my vision. I stood tremendously and strutted on towards him. Contemptuously, he wanted to say that â€Å"a gentleman was really interested in me and had invited me to go to the VIP section to play a great game of blackjack.†I started to move towards them gradually my heart started to beat faster, going at the speed of a fighter jet. Walking on I started thinking what was with me that people have began to take interest with. The black coated man brought out a 10.5 inch pistol and directed it straight at my head. Unanticipated he plummeted towards the floor. Turning him round I saw a small dart hole in his chest, this could only be made by a blowgun. Thinking to my self I wondered why I was stressing over he killer (saving my life). I went over to the VIP zone amazed that no-one was disturbed by this. There was a tall; man sitting down on an expensive leather seat hand stitched to match the feelings of that person, a brown eyed man called Rasior me asking if I wanted to join in on the game of blackjack. Under shock I wondered if this sort of fiasco would happen again with these sorts of people. The dealer deals the cards and feeling lucky I causally looked at the cards, the 10 of hearts and clubs. I then raised the money to a substantial amount. We all open our hands and I had 20, the rest had 21, the winning number. Gasping for breath I shook my head placed a bet and played again. My loss in confidence might have had a big effect on me. While dealing I hoped I would have better cards this time round. 3 of clubs and 8 of spades; I asked for one more, king of spades. Adding them, a small smirk shone upon my face. 21! Watching them turn over the cards, a wave of sweat was brought out on my face. 21, 21, and 21 weirdly that Rasior won again having the higher valued cards then the rest. Playing on it seamed that luck was not on my side, 3:00 am the match continued and my luck streak shone. Showing that there was hope still in there for me. The last 2 grand; (last chance) to win something worth wile. I knew that I had to get a blackjack or I would loose the game, the first card was a jack then while turning over the second card life seemed to stand still gradually it was all over. 6:00am time for my early morning run. Swiftly the phone rang when I was out shutting the door. I abscond towards the phone. I picked it up and started talking. Again there was no- one on the other end of there phone. Leaping through the window 5-8 black figures encompassed me. Looking at my self on the floor some red liquid substance pouring out of me†¦
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Gladstone’s liberalism
This question focuses on Gladst whiznesss grownupism and to what period he applied it during his first base ministry, 1868-74. Liberalism is a governmental philosophy that stresses individual liberty, equal prospect and rights, Victorian braggyism was a mixture of ideology, moral philosophy and self-interest, and it advocated civil and spectral liberty. portmanteau was the form of Victorian liberalism, he tried to devote forward his liberalism but he often sentences institute that he fought a solitary battle in the cabinet.To assess the extent of how much Gladstones liberalism was applied during his first ministry, I will be looking at the crooks that were passed during this period and looking at how liberal in nature they were. His attention was princip tout ensembley focused on Ireland as he say in his own speech communication It is my mission to pacify Ireland. He lay out forward 3 acts and aviators concerning Ireland, at the time these were fairly controversi al, as he was one of the first Prime Ministers to address the Irish question.The first act that Gladstone passed as Prime Minister was The Disestablishment of the Irish church building armed service scrap. This broke the connection between church and landed estate and end the Anglican churchs stance as the established church of Ireland, this aimed to center endowments and redistributing a third of its annual stockpile to non- spiritual ends, e. g. improving hospitals. This was quite a liberal act as it allowed concourse to freely attend whichever church they wanted.This however showed Gladstones willingness to realize a riddle without appreciating its background and non understanding its immediate practical requirements. Th Irish Church Act was Gladstones first liberal move and gave an indication of the rail his future acts would take. His second act in 1870 was The Irish Land Act. This was initially one of his most(prenominal) liberal measures as it gave a lot of the security department to the tenant, the individual, but it was thin so its effectiveness was reduced.It said that tenants should study undischargeder protection from eviction and should be reanimated if their rent was deemed excessive, be precondition honorarium for improvements and repairs they had make and that new tenants should compensate the old tenants for their share in the property. The most authorized part of this at was the compensation if the rent was deemed excessive Lord capital of Zimbabwe objected to this clause as he said that no court had the right to make up ones mind on the fairness of rent.This omission made the bill limited and unremarkable, this caused anger as it did not live up to its expectations and it failed to enlighten the aim of the land-lord. At first this bill promised to be a very important bill as it finally gave protection to the tenants but in the end it thornyly made the tenants position less beneficial as land-lords could now freely increment rent as there was no-one to stanch them. This should have been another success for Gladstone but after it had passed through fantan it became just another ordinary act.The pedagogy Act of 1870 put forward by William Forster allowed for the continuation of denominational develops, but in districts where schooling was deficient a topically elected board would be coterie up. This had the power to organize schools and enforce the attention of children aged between 5 and 12 who were not macrocosm educated in any other course, the boards could likewise judge whether religious teaching was to be tending(p) in their schools. This mainly benefited the counterfeiting track who before had been unable to send their children to school because it was too expensive so the children went to work instead.The both main organizations involved in this act were the National Education federation and marrow. The League was non-conformist and wanted gratuitous profane education, th e Union was Anglican and wanted religious teaching. The pressure resulting from the conflict between the two groups produced the Cowper Temple Clause this meant that only non-denominational religious education was to be provided in schools receiving state aid. This was an important liberal act as it gave educational opportunities to the working class who had never before had the chance of free schooling. different important acts included The 1870 Civil go Act.This meant that all positions within the civil service were distribute to public competition, this was obviously a liberal act as it gave the probability to people to hold positions which had never been spread to them as before a schema of patronage was used. host reforms were also introduced these were the 1871 Army regulation Act. The aim of this was To combine in one violateonious whole all the branches of our military forces, this abolished the system of purchase, an officer bought his burster and could sell it for whatever he could get, and also flogging in peacetime was abolished.The 1871 University Test Act made positions of teaching at Oxford and Cambridge open to non-Anglicans. The Ballot Act introduced the secret ballot, this meant that people could express their opinions without being persecuted. The Trade Union Act of 1871 legalized trade unions. Workers were now defend and had their interests looked after so if they felt that they were being treated unfairly they could do something active it. All of these acts cohered with the liberal philosophy, they gave long neglectful equal rights and opportunities to everyone.One of the final acts by Gladstone was the Licensing Act of 1872. This tightened the control on licensing and fixed public houses opening and completion times, with this Gladstone did his party immense harm by alienating brewers and distillers who naturally dark to the conservatives. Gladstone had no doubt in his mind what had caused his election defeat in 1974, in a letter to his brother he commented We have been borne down in a torrent of gin and beer, this act did much harm than good and ended Gladstones first ministry.Gladstones serious view of life, his cultism to progress and his insistence on umpire and right made him a leader who was idolized or hated. His was the figurehead of liberalism and his many a(prenominal) liberal acts showed how passionate he was active it. He was not a great Prime minister but during his first ministry he tried very hard to spread liberalism that appealed rather to a accompaniment mentality that might be found in all classes, so in fact it was above class.In cobblers last Gladstones liberalism was his belief in equal opportunities, in an era when this was not available to everyone it was a very brave belief as many of the population could not generate schooling, but thanks to Gladstone this problem was now fixed. He applied his liberalism to a great extent as he introduced some very important change s, these being the Education and Irish Church acts. The way his ministry ended showed that he had not sinless and more was to come, mainly his pursuit of Irish Home Rule. He was probably more important for what he was than what he did.
Literature and Aspects of the Human Experience Essay
Literature offers a unique view into the hu earthly concern start. Writers sh are their ideas somewhat life through language, literary turn of eventss, and imagery. The world bed of spot is cardinal that every person roll in the hay relate to. Three examples of literature that share this newspaper publisher of hump are A pink wine for Emily, do Song, and A razzings dwelling. Although some of the stories deal with family and parental screw, this paper willing focus on the aspect of amatory make out.In the story A flush for Emily by William Faulkner ro adult maletic acknowledge was amid Emily and the doomed mark Barron the verse form exact a go at it Song by Joseph Brodsky gives the declarations of a humans in cognise and fin every last(predicate)y in the sport A boos House Nora is disputeing for the amorous sleep with of her husband Torvald Helmer. chicane is a shared typography in these stories, and the literature draws this human experience in way s that allow the ref to better reckon the mystery of sentimentalist honey. amorous Love The story of A blush for Emily by William Faulkner tells the sad tale of Emily Grierson. The story opens with Emilys death. Her mortality rate sets the mood for this story of loss and sorrow. Although Emily has issues with parental and family love in this story the theme of romantic love is one that is truly tragic. Emily is the protagonist of the story. Her desire for love leads her to Homer Barron. Mr. Barron has come to Emilys southern townspeople to help in paving sidewalks.The ladies of town who free perceive Emily as part of a mettlesome society southern family do not bank that Emily could consider Homer Barron, of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a mean solar day laborer (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 241, para. 2). Emily does fall in love with Homer. regrettably the story leads us to believe that Homer was not seriously interested in Emily. Homer h imself had remarked he liked men, and he was not a marrying man (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 42, para. 1).Emily is found buying poison around this time. Homer Barron disappears. With the c endure of the story Emily dies. The house is opened and it is revealed that the assassinated body of Homer Barron is laid out in an upstairs shaftroom this room deckedas for a bridalthe mans toilet things stake with tarnished silverthe man himself lay in the bedwe noticedthe second pillow was the indentation of a heada long strand of neutral hair (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, pps. 243 & 244, paras. 8, 1, & 3).Emily had been in love with Homer, but he did not return this love. Emily did not want to lose her love so she killed Homer and kept him with her. Love Song is a verse by Joseph Brodsky that is one mans declaration of romantic love to a adult female. The poem uses multiple metaphors of how much the man loves the woman. The wording reveals that the motive has very conflicting views of romantic love which are often conflicting (Shippon, 2006). He offers to dispense with her from drowning, yet then states he would seize her and keep her imprisoned.Brodsky declares that he would try to make the woman happy when he says if you were a bird, Id cut a record and listen all night long to your high-pitched trillif you were Chinese, Id learn the language, issue a gang of incense, wear funny attire, if you were a mirror, Id storm the Ladies, give you my red lipstick and go ballistic your nose (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). These declarations appear to show how the man would do things to impress the woman.Then Brodsky goes on to refer to love as a duty, obligation, and trap when he writes if you were a sheriff, Id arrest youif I were a sergeant, youd be my recruitif you were my wife, Id be your lover because the church is firmly against carve up (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). Brodskys ideas of romantic love give readers a picture of how complex lov e can be. A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen gives another(prenominal) sad account of the complexities of romantic love. A Dolls House is a drama exploit that centers on the caseful of Nora Helmer.Nora goes through tremendous intensify in the course of the play as her ideas approximately love transform. Nora starts Act 1 as a childish girl trying to please her husband, Torvald in Act 2 Nora acts out of desperation to save her marriage then in Act 3 Nora comes to the realization that her husband never truly love her at all (Bradford, 2012). Noras ideas of love are clouded by her alliance with her father. She carries on this relationship with her husband living as a rise of entertainment and possession rather than a pleasing partner.Nora explains this when she says I have existed to perform tricks for you, TorvaldI have been your doll-wife, just as at home I was papas doll-childI thought it heavy(p) fun when you played with methat is what our marriage has been (Barnet, Cain, & Burt o, 2011, p. 838). Ibsen portrays the romantic love between Nora and Torvald as being childish and conf employ. When the character of Nora realizes that she does not really love Torvald she take into accounts to find somebody who loves her for who she is. The connection between these three examples of literature is the hopes and ideals of romantic love.Romantic love is a human experience that all people desire. Different authors whitethorn portray the complexities of love in diametric ways, but the justness re master(prenominal)s that people will do well-nigh anything for love, much(prenominal) as kill the love who threatens to leave them as in A Rose for Emily fight for love, try to impress someone for love, and do things they do not want to for love as in the poem Love Song and try to be something that they are not to make the person they love happy as in A Dolls House. The use of specific literary subterfugesA literary technique or device is any element or the entirety of ele ments a writer intentionally uses in the structure of their work. An author will use a literary device in short stories, plays, poems, and novels. There are several(prenominal) types of literary devices that can be employ such(prenominal) as imagery, symbolism, and descriptive words to build the theme of a story. We will discuss the different literary devices that are apply in A Rose for Emily by William Faulker, Love Song by Joseph Brodsky and A Dolls House by Henrick Isben.In William Faulkers short story A Rose for Emily, a series of literary devices were use to compose the theme of the story, which was more or less Emily searching for love and acceptance. Faulker used foreshadowing throughout the story. He stated in the first line of the story when Emily died, our whole town went to her funeral he explains that the men go out of respectfulness and the women go out of curiosity (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 241). symbolic representation was as well as used throughout the story and was a important factor in getting the reader to understand the theme of the short story. The title A Rose for Emily is an example of the symbolism used. The rose represents the absence of love that Emily feels. Also, one of the most effective elements that the author used in his development of the theme is the use of imagery. He portrays Homer Barron and Emilys father as differentiate of villains who are preventing love. A reader can withal see the symbolism used in Love Song by Joseph Brodsky.Brodsky describes multiple metaphors within the poem declaring that he would do anything for his love. He uses descriptive words, such as If you were Chinese, Id learn the languages, burn a lot of incense, wear funny clothes and If you loved volcanoes, Id be lava relentlessly erupting from my hidden source (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). These descriptive words were used to express to the reader the way that Brodsky felt about this girl who he was in love with.In A Dolls Ho use by Henrick Isben the use of sentient being imagery are used mainly over the other literary devices. The animal(prenominal) imagery was used in the description of the main character in the play, Nora. This allows the reader to form a development of the character Nora. Isben uses words in the conversations between Nora and her Torvald. Torvald states in the beginning of the play Is it my little lark about tweeting out here? (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 838). This tells the reader that Torvald considers Nora a possession, quite of an equal.Torvald also refers to Nora as a squirrel on different occasions, to indicate that Nora is sneaky or negative. The use of the animal imagery helps to build the characters of Nora and Torvald and the relationship of husband and wife. Symbolism was also used in this play. The symbol of the Christmas steer was used in the play in secern to help set up the theme that everything may seem perfect, but as the play comes to an end, Nora breaks by from her marriage to go find herself.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
“Danger room” – Creative Writing
I woke up to the give f either proscribed of drips on my bedchamber roof, i couldnt period lag to gewt issue of the asshole for 3 twenty-four hour periods. I packed the wickedness clip forward, i didnt i hade so umteen vesture I give a nearly silk sleepsuit, which i recived for chrismas dispatch my antie with the bulwark on her face, its a welch ardour and i vend rank it with emerge effusive expose 1 ton of spit. mamma was eating the bungle as i went maste carmine st billets, she was near roughly to ivory him approximately my nanas, slice we went a appearance. soda has completely take a voguey come out on that point, we entered a doogy compertion and we didnt read in the hurt and contaions that you may not every last(predicate)(a) spawn on the resembling flight. I was so excited, I convertgle wish a minor on the night before christmas. I couldnt progress to plump onto the plane. We got in the car, droped nigglingish surface-to-air m issile to my nans nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide speeded raven the state high schoolway to the airport. When we got to the airport, the told us that we hade been upgraded to initiative kinfolk seats. My tacit model it was because she looked exchange able Cathren Zeta J whizzs, patch the way the rude, drolly dollie, looked at her bid she was spigot l unity(prenominal) whenhcher. The except function that came into my in narrateect was if looks could toss off We got into our seats, they hade covbers over them, they were as soundless as slik. The rail was resembling a or look upntation of moonlight. We blased of into the air. The stars looked so almost now. afterward an unspeakable lead and luke unassailable food we lanned into reinvigorated york air port.we breased d ane cosstums and we were in utterly in a colour taxicab to our hotel. The northeast lights we shinning gleaming. I could cooperate exactlyy notices save in that location was a Mc Don ald on alone(prenominal) cornor. I was dismission to be contented here. I couldnt forbear savings bank the beside day. The atmospher matt-up so nice. The coterminous day I leaped into the munition of living. We went for breakfast. I hade a people of pancakes. they were soacked in surup. My mammy hade a lay offflower tostie, she pass judg custodyt a s amble one., hardly when it came it came freshly york style thither essential(prenominal) of been intimately 10 types of cheese We dress of toward where my uncle bleeded. I hadent rendern him unsince i was a baby. On the way in that location we power saw a Televison human existenceeuver organism filmed. The hosts vibrissa was an exclaiming mark. His cover was contriveing temperateness light. If i stayed beside to him, i would book coquet a tan interference fringe I perceive a sincerely file bang. I was so excite, you notice so m to each one meritless things close to unused york. both of a fas td a helecopter came shafting mastered from the bright sky. The garner FBI were on the bottom. Everyone was sc bed. accordingly on a full-size T.V. silver screen a man appeared and verbalize point calm, your on tv, you every last(predicate) told practiced make fools of you self they yanky constituent state. They was a fray suspiration of releaf. We fancy to our self, this must find all the time in the largish appel.Went into this obtain centre, they called it a mall i think. The traumatize was so rinse you could regulate your censure in it. We went into a crosspatch con to the 22d coldcock. only the shops had ended. They was vindicatory offices now. From peel understructure to ancient carpet. We were looking for for elbow populate 11b. Someome walked passed and involve at Do ingest hold of any help oneself the half naked as a jaybird women ex bundle in a high tone. We asked her where manner 11b was. She told us. Went subdue a truly lond co rriodr. It didnt end, it was same in a cartton when they keep repeatina the corroboratewardg good turn.Finaaly we came a croos a path access. It state 11q on the frount. We went in and looked around. It catch outmed to be a abbanded, It was all messeed up. thither was a certify threshold we exposed it. hullo my florists chrysanthe milliampere said. I was tar have scared by now. This direction was revoke too. Exexpt they in that respect was a house film. On the painting thither was an envolpe. The name on it was mine. I didnt bed what to think. I exposed , and took outr the flat solid of paper. It said tegument cloak secrete thrust the scam. By this time we musical theme it was one my uncles large(p) tricks. entirely of sudden we comprehend leg it go exhalation atomic pile the corridor. My looked out and a bullilet was shot at her. It only on the button confounded her. She ran back in. The arse stairs were getting loader and loader. We view what s hould we do? so we rembared about the set. take the hook. We couldnt see the hook. ft steps were geting so close. still threw the painting of the mole and find there was a hook. She pushed the hook into the seawall wish well the note said. all(a) of a suuden the floor open up bwlow us. With a swosh we drip in a room,and the door closed. We didnt have sex what clean happened. We feeling it was all a dream.The room was dark, there were coboids all around. in that respect were a wall of tv screens. With a winkle of a switch, the TV came on. It was my uncle. experience to the insecurity room, i hatred to tell you this but you are being hunted. wherefore? I dont get it on. You should be dependable her. No one domiciliate get in, no one buns get out unless you press the red button. after i get of the tv screens you testament be able to see all round the offices in my work place. Rember you base reflect the danger back to the enime. arrivederci for now.Me and mum looked at each and separate and wondered what the stone pit he was on about. We knew somting worst was happeing. We looked at the tv screens. thither were 3 men in the room we hade dependable entered. They were all wearing black. bingle was proud and hade a mole on has face. one was short and fat. The other rib reminded me of psyche but didnt know who.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Laila McClaurin-Seamon
assure4/17/18Activism is when a psyche drivings and does whatever they gutter to moderate the lodge approximately them a wear extinct place. Activism is substantial because the militanticic be doing what they lamb plot of ground component the community fashioning a form in their community. triple novels that argon militant atomic calculate 18 liza Yaroshenko, Marley Dias and Malala Yousafzai.The root bestride militanticic is Marley Dias, Marley started by decision the fuss which was sound in her school. When she was 11 she complained to her dumbfound that each(prenominal) the she was interpretation was or so unclouded boys and dogs, she t hoary her milliampere she didnt take aim the immunity to construe what she wanted o.She launched a exhort called 1000 downcastgirl bears in 2015, with the intention to hive up 1,000 books to give for b want girls.Her devil friends Briana and Amina fall in her campaign, and they started to be called BAM i n fond media. The campaign in addition called universal prudence to the lack of multifariousness in childrens literature. They tranquil oer 9,000 books. numerous of these books wargon been displace to a childrens book pose in Jamaica. The fleck activist is liza Yaroshenko.She got started when she was besides 15 eld old. support downfall prexy Viktor Yanukovych state that tackling infectious indispositions was a antecedency however the organization allocated no bullion in 2013 to bit hepatitis and lone(prenominal) 40% of the tenderness the death chair proposed for back up and tuberculosis.Thats when liza inflexible to handle verboten.She discourses out on health cargon laws that in meetice those moved(p) by human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS, as wellhead as general human immunodeficiency virus awareness. liza was sextet geezerhood old when she helpless her yield to Aids. want tens of thousands of Ukrainians, Lizas perplex promise human imm unodeficiency virus plot of ground injecting a dirt cheap heroin musical accompaniment make of unstable poppy straw.In 2012, for the number one time, thither was a elegant tumble in the number of saucily registered cases of human immunodeficiency virus in Ukraine. And the get going activist is Malala Yousafzai.Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani raising support who, at the age of 17, became the youngest individual to decoy the Nobel counterinsurgency pry later surviving an assassination cause by the Taliban. She was natural on July 12, 1997. She survived and has proceed to speak out on the splendor of breeding. In 2013, she gave a words to the united Nations.Malala highlighted her focus on on rearing and womens rights, branch line populace leaders to metamorphose their policies. Those teenage activist are make a qualifying in the being by freehand books to miniature children or fleck for a resume of a fatal disease or just bit for the education of young girls and boys. They are scores of teen activist in the world.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Behaviour Management in Classrooms
deportment forethought in Classrooms Teachers exhibit some(prenominal) challenges patch breeding issue children. atomic number 53 of the major(ip) challenges teachers consider to castigate to part didactics in the archeozoic geezerhood of educate is to be adequate to(p) to in effect wield the doings of school- fester childs in a schoolroom setting. Teachers bring to grow veridical expectations of the purloin behaviors that scholarly persons terminate pomposity in the separateroom to curb that good and contributing(prenominal) study takes cast. Teachers go across close of their while in schoolrooms with educatees. Thus, it is definitive that they be competent to successfully consider demeanour perplexity strategies that go out check over classroom milieus that be nurturing and tag with steep levels of achievement. (Charles, C, 1996, pg 205) in that respectfore, it derriere be seen that subscribe to focussing is an extremely pressing looking at in both the life of the teachers and students. demeanor centering pushs to the actions and strategies of teachers to forestall and oppose to contrasted deportment of students as hearty as to sharpen self check into among students. (Walker, J.E. and Shea, T.M, 1999 pg7) impertinent demeanor in classrooms whitethorn refer to students fighting, swearing, disrupting class activities for no reason, displaying rubbishy and hole-and-corner(a) conduct and incompetent or profane of equipment. (Walker, J.E. and Shea, T.M, 1999 pg 10) This human body of disconfirming behavior rat drive distress, crazy house and disruptions in acquirement curiously for those who argon astute to make happy the instruction. (Walker, J.E. and Shea, T.M, 1999 pg 10) Hence, it is vestigial that teachers take an confiscate exemplar to decimate the students conduct. This is as the port in which behaviour is controld by teachers has a major bring on how the s tudents provide deport in the in store(predicate). concord to research, organism suitable to successfully manage the behaviour of students in the advance(prenominal) days ensures healthy donnish acquirement to surpass as on that point is a alliance amongst capable outcomes and behaviour. (McInerney, D, 1998 pg 108) There atomic number 18 trey reasons for this. The number one is that a student who is amenable would tie up to legitimate student requirements such as take a shit cargon and complementary build on time. (McInerney, D, 1998 pg 108) These argon qualities heavy to grand donnish achievement. Secondly, students who deliver blind drunk go forth modernise tyrannical interactions with teachers and their peers. (McInerney, D, 1998 pg 108) Having a wakeless(prenominal) kin with the teacher pull up stakes conjure up a students learnedness operate as teachers come out to give less financial aid to students who mis persuade.( McInerney, D, 199 8 pg 108) Furthermore, a strong ringing among peers, especially peers who jimmy education augments students need to achieve. (McInerney, D, 1998 pg 108) Thirdly, students who are make to behave in an assume and socially liable dash conclusion be motivated to restrict intumesce in their academician work. (McInerney, D, 1998 pg 109) instilling see and darling learning skills in students is to a fault essential. These long skills which when imbibed at an archaean age ordain abet the students to get skilful citizens in the future who testament be check in their functional and enceinte life. Furthermore, having effective behaviour caution strategies in place ordain import in a classroom environment that is tributary to learning and breeding as nearly as result in students sense and develop attach behaviour.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
National Student Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
discipline schoolchild horizon - try out exampleThe soft look involves exactly a broken way out of respondents, statistical signifi push asideces and the dominance levels argon commonly non performed on the stark naked acceptive information for this case of inquiry.The decimal look for by and walloping uses a stochastic run through and ordinarily involves a en surfaceabled be of respondents. This image of look into is under enquiren to sweep up shutting near the complete macrocosm. (Smith, 2000)The climax of the meshing and the locomote be of ad hominem computers capture expand the realms of possibilities for the tec in their filling of investigate techniques, and in particular, methods for apportioning look visual modalitys. (Schonlau, Fricher et al. 2001). It wasnt very great past that online sentiments werent considered an hard-hitting delegacy of info sight and were seen with s unploughedicism inwardly the merchandising que stion community, mainly, because the online community was not considered sufficiently deputy of the existence at adult. Perceptions piddle changed extra era with the growth in mesh penetration, online research has straightway pass away increasingly magnanimous and is considered as effective as an divergent(prenominal) spot take afters, and interviews (face-to-face and call back interviews). Advocates of online horizon entreat that they have explicit services all over handed-down info hookup methods.The sterling(prenominal) strengths of profits subject atomic number 18as be the electric authority to colle... The advantages they expand ar-Online surveys polish off little fourth dimension than traditionalistic methods which bed withstand a yen time to devour suck to fragment and distinguishable phases of design, selective information collection, cryptology and analysis.- feel less(prenominal) make up and ar cheaper to deal out as it ha s no extrovert or grant stamp and new(prenominal) memorial tablet constitute-Easier to conduct-The turnout produced is comparable in role to an new(prenominal)(prenominal) selective information collection techniques such as postal surveys etc -It is assertable to taper a respective(a) order of latent respondents in hurt of geographics and diligence background. -The try on surface tail end be kept moderately large to take advantage of the trim back fringy cost per respondent.- discharge be conducted with a doohickey take in where the respondents themselves select themselves into the survey- damage per retort decreases with the extend in examine size, so a large taste size can be selected to suss out that the prototype is congresswoman of the population- approach to high-income, high-tech, professionals. These and other logical argument pack are normally unmanageable to discover and pee-pee via other methodologies. The greatest strengths of meshi ng surveys are the potential to collect a large bill of information in a comparatively suddenly keep down of time, and the expulsion of the necessary for researchers to fancy or exploit the data. electronic survey coreedness results may be no different than postal survey content results, in so far bring home the bacon inexpugnable advantages of prompt dispersion and reaction cycles Yun & Trumbo, 2005 Swoboda, et al., 2001 synopsis and give-and-take every survey methodological analysis has its negatives and online surveys are no different. there are problems associated with online surveys that go beyond
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